SGCO Minutes Date: Mon Nov 27, 2006 Time: 9:30am - 10:30am Location: 32-D451 Attendance: Emily Fox, Pranava Goundan, Stephen Hou, Sharon Karackattu, Cheston Tan Note Taker: Stephen Hou Proposal -------- * We identified three angles of restrictions on P/D/F: (1) How students may use it, (2) How departments may restrict their own students from using it, (3) How instructors may restrict students using it for the subjects they teach. * We're already clear on (1): One per term, can't use for anything that is required for degree or program. * For (2), we think that there should be an Institute-wide minimum (possibly two subjects), but departments and programs may allow a higher number for their students. * (3) is the trickiest one. We talked about specifying a minimum percentage that professors must allow on P/D/F, but that would be difficult to enforce. CGP --- * We are still waiting for Barrie Gleason, staff to CGP, to tell us whether we can meet with CGP sooner than the February 2007 meeting. Decisions --------- * Meet with CGP ASAP. Action Items ------------ * Stephen will edit the proposal. * Stephen will find out about how Junior/Senior P/D/F works in terms of instructor's denying them from using it. * Emily will check with Shan and Eric about the next CGP meeting. * Stephen will check with Shan and Eric about getting official GSC backing. * Everyone will e-mail professors on CGP.