General Requirements for a Software Distribution Mechanism

Introductory Notes

This document was originally written by Scott Thorne to record decisions made at a 9/19/95 meeting of I/S and other MIT people interested and knowledgeable about software distribution issues. It has been editted for readability by Jim Repa, 7/15/96.

Software distribution issues are divided into three components here: (1) version control, (2) distribution, and (3) installation. We discuss general requirements and concerns for these three areas, to serve as a starting point for choosing software or recommending techniques for implementing software distribution mechanisms. Another document lists more specific guidelines for developers writing installation scripts. (See Installation Guidelines.)

Original Document Based on the Meeting of 9/19/95

We agreed that version control, distribution, and installation were all separate, but related problems. If we keep them uncoupled we will be in a better position to combine solutions in various ways. (EX: If we agreed on an installation mechanism, we could use several different modes of distribution, such as FTP, WWW, and Mandarin). We really are concerned with Mac and Windows here, and should not worry about Unix for the time being.


REQUIRED features and capabilities:

DESIRED features and capabilities:


REQUIRED features and capabilities:

DESIRED features and capabilities:


REQUIRED features and capabilities:

DESIRED features and capabilities: