Rev 4.3
Status:  Current public release.

* Includes bug fixes to the Eudora Installer Assistant that caused it
to give out of memory errors under System 7.1, G3 Macs, and certain other

Rev 4.2M
Status: In limited release for special circumstances.

* Includes all improvements listed for the regular 4.1 and 4.2 installers,
plus the unique additions listed for 4M.

Rev 4.2
Status:  Fourth public release.

* Uses Kerberos /r2 aliases (no change in the binaries - just points
to a different directory.

* Fixed mispelling of "Drag and Drop" in the Custom Install package

* "READ ME for Eudora at MIT" updated slightly for MacOS 8.

Rev 4.1
Status:  Test release.

* New ftp code.  Now only one connection to the ftp server is made per
install; previously, a new connection was opened for each file.  This
should prevent the server from panicking (which it might have done if
several small files were ftp'ed in rapid succession); prevent an
install from being aborted in the middle because inbetween files the
maximum number of users on net-dist has been exceeded; and is somewhat

* Updated to use VISE 4.6.1 to build the installer.

* Added checks so that the ObjectSupportLib and the Clipping Extension
won't be installed if the user is running Mac OS 8.  They are no longer
necessary, and in some cases, could cause conflicts if installed.

* Also the installer will not install the "spare" copy of OSL 1.2 under
MacOS 8, nor will it display the Custom Install packages for OSL or
Macintosh Drag and Drop under Mac OS 8 (since neither would install

* Fixed icon placement problems under MacOS 8.

* Removed old, unused code resources; this reduces the installer size
by about 30K.

Rev 4M
* Status: First limited release for special circumstances.

* Includes all improvements of Rev 4, listed below, and the following
unique additions (these will not be propogated into future ftp installers.)

* Monolithic installer - only attempts to check for a notice.txt file
and ftp a file called "Expanded MIT Eudora License" to the user's boot
drive.  The rest of the files are included in the installer.  This is
for clients who are having a particular problem using the ftp installer.
To be distributed by the Help Desk under special circumstances.

* Added file "Expanded MIT Eudora License" to file list - it's just a
TeachText file with both the Kerberos and the Eudora license text in it.

* Added Rename Action item to rename "Expanded MIT Eudora License" to
just "MIT Eudora License".  (Used "Expanded" to distinguish the original
and MacBinary version of the file from the "Eudora 3.0x Installer
LICENSE" and "LICENSE for Eudora at MIT" files.)

* This installer looks for "notice-monolithic.txt", not "notice.txt" for
deactivation.  However, since the files are encoded into the installer,
the only real way to deactivate it is to remove the Expanded MIT Eudora
License file from net-dist, which will cause the installer to fail.

* Readme file edited slightly to reflect accurate download times.

Rev 4
Status: Internal release only.

* Updated to use VISE 4.6fc1 to build the installer.

* Should work properly over PPP with Express Modems.  Uses new feature
of VISE 4.6b1 to exclude the Express Modem background application from
quitting when installer quits all open applications.  (When the
Express Modem background app was quit, the connection dropped.)

* Similarly, will not force the HP Backgrounder application to quit. 
While not necessary to the FTP installer's operation, the HP
Backgrounder app sometimes just won't quit when it's asked to, so we
don't try.

* EIA now works properly with Mac OS 8.

* Now will remove all files that start with "KClient" from the
Extensions folder (single action item that moves *all* files matching
"name begins with KClient" to the Trash replaces two action items
that only moved one file matching that criteria each).

* Action Items to search Extensions (Disabled) folder for "KClient",
Extensions folder for "Kerberos Client", and Extensions (Disabled)
folder for "Kerberos Client" also updated to move multiple files.

Rev 3.1
Status: Not released.

* Renamed (with additional changes) to Rev 4.  See Rev 4 changes.

Rev 3
Status: Third public release.

* Added Move action items to remove any really old versions of
KClient that were extensions named "Kerberos Client" which
conflicted with KClient 1.62.  Checks both the "Extensions" and
the "Extensions (disabled)" folders.

* Removed Kerberos 5 custom install option.

* Updated to use VISE 4.5r1 to build the installer.

* License Agreement and Read Me now displayed separately (this is
a feature of VISE 4.5).

Rev 2.6
Status: Second public release.

* New copy of default "Eudora Settings" file was placed on net-dist
on 4/18/97.  The one being distributed before this date had a bad
"Word Service" setting in it - when a user tried to "Check Spelling"
it would ask to initiate a connection to an IS machine.  The new one
has no "Word Service" setting.

Any user who used any revision of the installer to perform a *clean*
install before this date should go to the "Edit" menu, choose the
"Word Service" item, and reselect Spellswell.

Users who were upgrading from a previous version of Eudora do
not need to do this.

* Now checks for any file (not just an alias) named "Eudora Folder" in
the System Folder, and does not attempt to install a "Eudora Folder"
folder over it if a file of that name is found.

* Edited the READ ME the installer displays to more specifically
state that a network connection is needed, that no folder need be
selected, and how a multiple user setup is affected.

Rev 2.5
Status: Internal release only.

* Now will try to remove two copies of outdated KClient versions from
the Extensions folder, if they exist.  (This situation has been found
on several Macs; while the previous versions coexisted peacefully,
old versions and the most recent don't.)

Rev 2.4
Status: Internal release only.

* Install Log File is now installed at top level of drive that Eudora is
installed on (checked appropriate box in Installer VISE)

* Editied resource STR#1000, position #26 (you have to do this each time
you build the installer) so that Install Log File is named "Eudora 3.02
Installer Log File".

* Added revision number to Read Me.

Rev 2.3
Status: Internal release only.

* Properly removes all potential outdated KClient versions (1.5, 2.0d2,
and 1.1b1).  (Rev 1 only checked for version 1.5.)  (modified KClient
Move Action item)

* Checks the "Extensions (disabled)" folder for outdated KClient
versions also. (added another Move Action Item)

Rev 2.2
Status: Internal release only.

* Added text to the Read Me that appears when the installer is first
started about download times over an Ethernet and PPP connections.

* Only installs the Clipping Extension on Systems 7.5 or later (Rev 1
would install it on System 7.1, which it didn't work with).

Rev 2.1
Status: Internal release only.

* The Installer now asks for user configuration information if the only
settings files it finds are in the trash.  (Rev 1 considered those
"valid" settings files so did not ask.)  (Changes in EIA source)

* The Installer is more careful about what it considers a valid settings
file. It will ask the user for new configuration information if it does
not find a valid settings file.  A "valid setting file" is one that:

* Is not in the Trash; * Is not an alias to a settings file; * Does not
have a name ending in ".bkup"; * And has a username entered in it

This means that the Rev 2 Installer should ask for configuration
information in more situations than the Rev 1 Installer.  (Changes in
EIA source)

Rev 2
Status: Internal release only.

* Added check for an alias named "Eudora Folder" in the System Folder,
and if one is found, the installer doesn't attempt to install a new
folder and settings file over it.  (Rev 1 tried to install over this and
gave an error message about a folder trying to replace a file.) (Added
"Find" Action Item and made the Eudora Folder dependent on the result)

* All binaries moved to /mit/bin/mac/eudora/3.02/r2 directory.

* Recompiled new set of aliases.

Rev 1
Status: First public release.

* Initial release. Major components are:
 - Eudora 3.0.2
 - KClient 1.6.2
 - MacLeland 1.0

* Under MacOS 8.0, the sizes of the windows of installed folders
may not be ideal (usually, too large).

* The installer will not update Eudora Settings files that are
not on the startup volume of your Macintosh; you will have to
update them manually.  If the user had a lot of volumes attached
- particularly if they were AppleShare volumes - searching could
take an unacceptably long time.  Also on shared volumes, there
might be settings files that belong to users who haven't updated
to Eudora 3, and so their settings files shouldn't be updated.