Handlers for MIME Content-types on Athena platforms

This document describes the media types that we support with the mail user-agent configurations available in the mime locker. For instructions on using the mime locker, see /mit/mime/README.athena

About media types

Each message element contains a Content-type header which identifies its media (data) type. The the line after the header label starts with two words, separated by a slash, that identify the type and subtype of the message (or a section of a multipart message). The type is a keyword which should be one of the following: text, multipart, application, message, image, audio, or video. The subtype identifies the exact format or encoding of the message content.

Note that some content-types, such as text/plain and message, are supported intrinsically in the mail user agent.

This table shows the media types supported on each current Athena platform, by name. The program used to display or interpret the message content is shown in the platform column. If it is in an unusual locker, the locker name is noted in parentheses.

Media Content-Type	     SGI Irix5.3	Solaris 2.5.1
------------------	    -----------	       -------------
text/html		    htmlview (infoagents)  " [i.e. same]
text/richtext		    richtext		   "
text/enriched		    richtext		   "

application/postscript	    xpsview		ghostview (gnu)
application/x-framemaker    reader (frame)	   "
application/x-msword	    reader (frame)	   "
application/msword	    reader (frame)	   "
application/x-ez	    ezv			   "
application/x-dvi	    xdvi		   "
application/pdf		    acroread (acro)	   "
application/mac-binhex40    unbinhex,guess (mime)  "
application/applefile	    applefile,guess(mime)  "
application/*		    cat			   "
message/partial		    mhn or showpartial	   "

image/gif		    xv (graphics)	xv (graphics)
image/jpeg		    xv (graphics)	xv
image/jpg		    xv (graphics)	xv
image/tiff		    xv (graphics)	xv
image/x-sgi-image	    imgview		n/a
image/*			    xv (graphics)	xv

audio/basic		    sfplay		audioplay
audio/x-aifc		    sfplay		xplay (infoagents)
audio/x-aiff		    sfplay		xplay (infoagents)
audio/x-next		    soundplayer		 n/a
audio/x-wav		    soundplayer		 n/a
audio/x-mpeg		    soundplayer		 n/a
audio/*			    sfplay		audioplay

Last revised: $Id: types.html,v 1.2 1998/04/02 03:25:14 lcs Exp $

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