Discussion Notes -- Fuzzballs Questions 1. What if the user doesn't respond immediately? For example, if they've asked for a two hour block but the machine is free in the middle of the night, what happens? Suppose they don't get to it until late the next afternoon? cleanup (if NG, reinstall?) <---------------------- okay, ready for use -----------------------> put next user in password file <---------------------- okay -------> machine ready <------ got it! -------> telnet, screen, etc. access usage! <------ I'm done is the gap between -------> machine ready <------ got it! controlled, or simply part of the user time? One model would be to let the server send a message, and the user has the machine until they send "I'm done" message. We can warn of overrun, and even force cleanout at N + X time. I.e. 1. Set up machine let user know it is available at N + something - alert supervisor? alert user? block access? blow them away? 2. Alert user that machine is available when user responds, change password and handout machine (if too late, user goes back in queue and machine gets handed to next in line) Suggestion: make small parts, and use a "rules" file at server to control sequences, parameters, etc. I.e., the business rules of this system are still pretty fluid. Provide for that.