To: ganderso@MIT.EDU Cc: longjobs@MIT.EDU, vkumar@MIT.EDU Subject: Status of Longjobs proejct Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 08:44:41 EDT From: "Naomi B. Schmidt" Hello Greg - Back in January, 1996, you drafted a charter for a Long Jobs Discovery Team. The effort that was taking place at that time (Team members were Matt Braun, Carla Fermann, and Tom Coppeto. Team sponsor was Greg Jackson, Academic Computing Director) became moribund as varioius participants left the Institute or became diverted to other projects. For the past couple of months, a group of us (Mike Barker, Bob Basch, Jonathon Weiss, Bill Cattey, and myself) have been meeting to talk about a new model for delivering this service. Bob has been working out a design with input from others and has now acquired three SPARCclassics to build a "toy" prototype. He hopes to have this done in "draft" stage by early November, at which time we would want to bring in Consulting and TPS folks for suggestions on improvement re user interface. We are talking about possibly piloting this service in 'beta' form during IAP and Spring semester, using two SPARC5's and maybe an SGI O2. I think that the time has come to officially designate this as a Discovery project. Once Bob's prototype using SPARCclassics has been built, that's probably the time to make a formal recommendation as to whether or not to move it into Delivery. We haven't designated a formal Team Leader for this project - probably a logical person to put down would be either Mike Barker or myself - we'll decide between the two of us. Vijay is the logical sponsor. Here is the text of your draft charter, as ammended to be up to date: Long Jobs on Athena Description of the problem: In the current Athena environment long-running jobs submitted by users mean that the workstation is tied-up for the length of that job. Given the increasing demands for available Athena workstations, especially at the end of the academic term, a need has been identified to offer a long job service in the Athena environment. This is an important enhancement to the Athena environment and will provide a greater range of options for long jobs. Value added to the Athena environement: The service value of a long jobs facility would be better performance for those jobs and greater satisfaction for the user submitting the long job. The value added for the remainder of the community would be that the workstation where the job was submitted would then be available for other uses. The Discovery effort: The Long Jobs Discovery team will build upon the work already accomplished during previous incarnations of this project, and it will further that work through proposal of a recommended option to solve the problem. The team will frame ongoing, operational issues such as implications for the service and support processes, measurement and evaluation of the service, and design proposals and estimates for delivery of this service. Discovery Logistics: Team and Timeframe The Long Jobs Discovery team will be led by ***. Team members will be Robert Basch, Jonathon Weiss, Mike Barker, and Naomi Schmidt. Team sponsor will be Vijay Kumar, Academic Computing Director. Other members of the MIT community will be involved as needed for user experience, technical expertise, or evaluation of information. Please let me know if I've left anything out. Naomi