N42 Pictures 7/31/96

Draft 8/1/96

Tour conducted by Perry and Radford Architects, 33 Richdale Avenue, Cambridge, MA, 02140.

Pictures (Grouped by floor, with automatic loading)
  1. Outside
  2. Ground Level
  3. First Floor
  4. Second Floor
Pictures (Single Pictures, selectable)
  1. Outside, Smart Street, New Loading Dock (22K)
  2. Outside, Smart Street, New Loading Dock (door closed) (25K)
  3. Outside, the bike entrance (will have metal gate and card key access) (24K)
  4. Outside, what will be the new entrance on Mass Ave. (35K)
  5. Ground Level
  6. "Downstairs" on the Windsor Street side. There will be security screening in the windows. (19K)
  7. Looking towards Mass Ave. The elevator is in the left background. (19K)
  8. Looking UP the atrium/stairwell. There will be glass where required, but this open area will tie all three floors together. (25K)
  9. Standing in the front "bend" in the building, looking towards the Smart Street corner. The elevator is on right. (17K)
  10. First Floor
  11. What will be the reception area, looking into the "back" corridor (Smart Street side) (23K)
  12. Looking across the reception area (full of stacks in the foreground) to the three-sided main atrium/stairwell (22K)
  13. Another look across the reception area at the edge of the stairway. (Note the height of the ceiling!) The elevator is just off to the left of this picture. (22K)
  14. The atrium/stairwell (22K)
  15. Along the "front" corridor (Windsor Street side) (20K)
  16. The atrium (details) (25K)
  17. Another shot up the atrium (more detail) (23K)
  18. Second Floor
  19. The Bay window facing Mass. Ave. (20K)
  20. Along the "front" corridor (25K)
  21. The atrium/stairwell in the foreground, elevator on the left background, and Mass. Ave. windows straight ahead (24K)
  22. The Smart Street side ("back" corridor) looking from beside the men's room toward Mass. Ave. (21K)
  23. The corner near the smokestack (the old Whirlwind area) (21K)
  24. Looking along the Windsor Street side (the "front" corridor) towards Mass. Ave. The women's room is the metal framing on the left, and the windows face Windsor Street. (24K)
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