Date: Tue, 13 Jan 98 17:05:12 From: kathy@MIT.EDU (Katherine K. Allen) To: infosys@MIT.EDU Subject: *Long* Admin Staff Perf Appraisal Process Underway .... Cc: keniaf@MIT.EDU Tm-Binhex: Kathy-HD:(662)98 PA Form IS: The 1998 performance appraisal (pa) process for IS is officially underway. Below is a memo to administrative staff describing the process, followed by a schedule outlining steps and dates. Enclosed is a binhex of this year's pa form -- for those who cannot retrieve binhexes, the pa form is on the W91 server, and e-copies can be received from Lorraine Rappaport in E40, Ken Higgins, Kristen Nesselrod, and Christine Cavanna in E19, Jim Hanlon and Bob Hart in W91, and me. To inform staff of the changes to this year's process and form, site info sessions are being scheduled across IS during the weeks of Jan 19 and 26. As soon as dates and locations are confirmed you'll receive that information. Lastly, apologies for this very long email. Thank you all .... Kathy MEMORANDUM TO: IS Administrative Staff SUBJECT: 1998 Performance Appraisal Process FROM: Competency Groups Team The IS-wide 1998 administrative staff performance appraisal process is now underway. As we continue to work in a process-centered, team-based framework, performance appraisal remains important. As our teams focus on rapidly delivering value for our customers and as we develop team measures of performance, the performance appraisal process will continue to evolve. The ability to work successfully in teams continues to be important, and the language on this year's performance appraisal form reflects that emphasis. The format focuses on team, individual, and leadership contributions, with team skills reflected throughout. As you think through the categories on the form, pay particular attention to feedback about effective teamwork. The goals of our 1998 performance review process are: 1. One-on-one formal performance appraisal discussions between you and your primary reviewer (PR). 2. Consideration of the full scope of your performance for the entire year in all work activities in which you have been involved. It is the shared responsibility of you and your PR to have a preliminary conversation to decide with whom your PR consults to gather information and feedback regarding your performance. 3. Evaluations written by each of you and your PR using common performance standards and forms. Following the review, the evaluations will be attached to one another, and your PR will incorporate any additional information discussed during your appraisal meeting. 4. Salary increases consistent with performance evaluations. The performance appraisal form is available now to allow ample review and preparation time. It is a tool to guide the performance evaluation discussion between you and your PR. Before your review, you and your PR need to decide how the form will be used, since it is possible to use it in a variety of slightly different ways. The success of the appraisal process depends on communicating to staff the many changes in this year's process and form, and on training staff who are new to IS. Soon, the CG Team will contact IS staff members who are new to this process with information on sessions that will be held to help them prepare for their performance reviews. Also, site info updates will be held at various IS locations to review this year's changes with those experienced in this process. Additional site visits can be arranged upon request. The basic performance appraisal process has five steps. 1. You and your PR discuss how your performance review will be conducted, and identify the particular topics on which to focus. Set a mutually convenient time for the review discussion itself. 2. Prepare for the discussion by reviewing the goals you and your PR or team leader(s) set for this review period. (Please provide your PR with a copy of your goals from your last review. ) As you do your self-evaluation, write comments on the form. Prepare a list of future, specific team and individual training and developmental priorities and goals for discussion with your PR. Think about how these goals will translate into value for MIT. 3. At the agreed-upon time, meet with your PR to discuss your performance, accomplishments, areas of strength, areas needing improvement, and goals for the next period. Be prepared to discuss your individual and team development priorities and goals (referred to in the second bullet above), including specific technical and behavioural competencies. Specific ratings and salary increases will not be discussed during appraisal meetings. 4. After the discussion, your PR will attach your self-evaluation to his or her evaluation of your performance, incorporating any additional comments. Your PR will sign the performance appraisal form, and ask that you also review and sign the form. You may add additional comments to Section V of the form at this time. 5. The completed form will then be reviewed and signed by your Coordinating Director. You will receive a copy of the completed appraisal, and the original will be retained by your Coordinating Director. You may find that as a result of your review, you and your PR view your job performance differently. In this situation, there are several things you can do. First, write comments at the end of the review form, and speak with your PR to make your feelings known. Also, make sure that you and your PR agree on what your job responsibilities are, and how well you are performing them. This will help you focus on areas that require improvement and ensure that you and your PR have the same perception of your job. It will also give you time to adjust, if your job is changing or if your performance is not satisfactory. Once the performance discussions have been completed for all support staff, ITLT will meet to assign salary increase ranges to each performance rating. PRs and their Coordinating Directors will then assign specific salary increases to members of their staff. Although MIT's formal performance appraisal takes place once a year, you and your PR have the shared responsibility to ensure that performance communication continues throughout the entire year. This will lead to a better understanding of what needs to be done, and make the upcoming year more successful. ***************************** SCHEDULE -- 1998 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL & SALARY REVIEW PROCESS Jan 2, 1998 Administrative staff hired on or before this date eligible for review. Jan 13 Memo (email) to IS announcing the 1998 administrative staff performance appraisal process, with schedule attached. Jan 19 & 26 Competency Groups hold site meetings to update staff Weeks experienced with the IS performance appraisal process of changes to this year's process. Also, administrative staff and primary reviewers new to the IS performance appraisal process will be invited to sessions to review IS performance appraisal process and use of form. Completed Performance appraisal discussions held between primary between reviewers and administrative staff. Feb 16 & Mar 18 Mid-March Personnel Office distributes administrative staff salary review guidelines. Completed by Each coordinating director meets with his/her primary March 20 reviewers, as one group, to discuss proposed ratings. The purpose of these discussions is to achieve consistency of ratings across IS. March 26 ITLT meets to review ratings for consistency across IS, and to set salary increase percentages. Completed Deadline for completion of written and signed appraisals between Mar 27 by primary reviewers, with copy given to staff member & Apr 10 and original filed in staff member's IS personnel file. Primary reviewers communicate appraisal ratings to staff. March 30 Directors submit salary increase recommendations to KKA. April 6 KKA provides salary data to Personnel. April 7 JDB and KKA review salary recommendations with Kenia Franco. May 5 Academic Council reviews Rank List III recommendations. Late May MIT Executive Committee meets to review RLIII recommendations. Mid-June Salary letters distributed to administrative staff. July 1 Administrative staff salary increases become effective.