Porting List (draft Jan. 1996. Order of execution is not necessarily shown here. Neither does the person responsible for the port necessarily do all these items personally, but they must ensure that they are all dealt with before the port is "complete") 1. Put on vendor release + patches includes necessary X functionality? xterm? mwm? twm? console? 1a. Expected functionality C compiler FORTRAN compiler gdb 2. AFS version? compatible with server versions? Transarc supplied binaries? Our hacked versions? Why? 3. Kerberos 4. Basic Athena Services hesiod zephyr olc (x, tty, olta, owl, olc_answers) motd MH lpr attach 4a. mkserv operates correctly? 5. Login 6. Emacs 7. Athena Man 8. TeX, LaTeX, dvips, xdvi, dvi2tty 9. Andrew/EZ ezviewer ez2ascii 10. Athena Applications Suite olh delete xmh rcs tcsh eos, neos imake notes discuss, xdsc dash perl register sendbug enscript MIT libraries software SIS xscreensaver techinfo (x, tty) xinfo xmitdir xcluster, cview 11. Athena Development Environment libraries (X, Motif) include files 12. Install Process (Server, etc.) Update Process 13. Major Locker Software moira, listmaint, mailmaint, blanche SAS Xess Maple Tecplot AutoCAD Frame Matlab S-Plus 3.091 software 6.021J software netnews infoagents (mosaic, netscape, etc.) 14. Faculty Liaisons, Consultants, Documentation, Training question and answer meetings list of changes in port list of expected problem areas for users provide support for these groups in getting ready for port 15. Briefings for other development team members changes and problem areas in port "architecture diagrams" or other helps to orient people to peculiarities of port [miscellaneous from WhatShouldRun and other lists, not otherwise listed here] more man, help, etc. man pages, xman Saber cT c++ X previewer pageview lucid numerical recipes idraw lotteries