Things To Do

  1. netprob jic
  2. weekly status report
  3. Papers
    1. Distributed Project Management--What should team members be able to do? What are the competencies for project team members?
    2. What is delivery process? What is the new organization?
    3. Agenda, Ground Rules, Minutes--Effective Meetings
    4. ILEAD topics
    5. where are we going?
    6. methods of communication
    7. meetings, email, and other ways of working together
    8. goals, tasks, etc. into inchpebbles. (personal management)
    9. being explicit
    10. xterm security
    11. skill sets (reporting/communications, problem escalation, team/basic planning, goals/training/performance)
    12. Why "it has been solved once" doesn't mean "I don't need to consider alternatives"
    13. Option A - 12 mths $48; Option B - 15 mths $45; I need 14 mths $40 does not imply that such an option exists!
  4. Reading
    1. Conceptual Blockbusting, Adams
    2. Serious Creativity, De Bono
    3. The Rhetoric of Intentions, Kenneth Burke
    4. Bradshaw
  5. Balls In The Air
    1. ideas, bugs, etc. tracking
    2. SGI-installs, update, golden disk not longterm, login sys:anyuser rl
    3. urops/watchmakers
    4. hiring--search, staffing plan
    5. ezra-ultrix
    6. get IBM, DEC, HP, other vendors in to talk
    7. port mkserv services to suns
  6. Other Thinks To Do
    1. ACM, IEEE memberships?
    2. SGI sources
    3. emacs19 doc, testing
    4. resumes to Peter Kelly
    5. special student/grad studies
  7. Performance Reviews
    1. Review Form on Web
    2. review old performance reviews
    3. Plans for future performance
    4. Talks about future performance