This example illustrates the most primitive form of C++ class wrapping performed by SWIG. In this case, C++ classes are simply transformed into a collection of C-style functions that provide access to class members.
/* File : example.h */ class Shape { public: Shape() { nshapes++; } virtual ~Shape() { nshapes--; }; double x, y; void move(double dx, double dy); virtual double area() = 0; virtual double perimeter() = 0; static int nshapes; }; class Circle : public Shape { private: double radius; public: Circle(double r) : radius(r) { }; virtual double area(); virtual double perimeter(); }; class Square : public Shape { private: double width; public: Square(double w) : width(w) { }; virtual double area(); virtual double perimeter(); };
Note: when creating a C++ extension, you must run SWIG with the -c++ option like this:/* File : example.i */ %module example %{ #include "example.h" %} /* Let's just grab the original header file here */ %include "example.h"
% swig -c++ -python example.i
$c = example::new_Circle(10.0);
Note: when accessing member data, the name of the class in which the data member is defined is used. For example Shape_x_get().example::Shape_x_set($c,15); # Set member data $x = example::Shape_x_get($c); # Get member data
print "The area is ", example::Shape_area($c);
example::Shape_area($c); # Works (c is a Shape) example::Circle_area($c); # Works (c is a Circle) example::Square_area($c); # Fails (c is definitely not a Square)
example::delete_Shape($c); # Deletes a shape
$n = $example::Shape_nshapes; # Get a static data member $example::Shapes_nshapes = 13; # Set a static data member
void foo(int a); %name(foo2) void foo(double a, double b);
%inline %{ Vector *vector_add(Vector *a, Vector *b) { ... whatever ... } %}