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NOTE: this terminal driver is outdated. Since Adobe Illustrator understands PostScript level 1 directly, you should use set terminal post level1 instead.

Several options may be set in aifm -- the Adobe Illustrator 3.0+ driver.


     set terminal aifm {<color>} {"<fontname>"} {<fontsize>}

4#4color5#5 is either color or monochrome; "4#4fontname5#5" is the name of a valid PostScript font; 4#4fontsize5#5 is the size of the font in PostScript points, before scaling by the set size command. Selecting default sets all options to their default values: monochrome, "Times-Roman", and 14pt.

Since AI does not really support multiple pages, multiple graphs will be drawn directly on top of one another. However, each graph will be grouped individually, making it easy to separate them inside AI (just pick them up and move them).


     set term aifm
     set term aifm 22
     set size 0.7,1.4; set term aifm color "Times-Roman" 14

Alex T Prengel 2007-03-13