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The functions in gnuplot are the same as the corresponding functions in the Unix math library, except that all functions accept integer, real, and complex arguments, unless otherwise noted.

For those functions that accept or return angles that may be given in either degrees or radians (sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), asin(x), acos(x), atan(x), atan2(x) and arg(z)), the unit may be selected by set angles, which defaults to radians.

Math library functions
Function Arguments Returns
abs(x) any absolute value of 6#6, 7#7; same type
abs(x) complex length of 6#6, 8#8
acos(x) any 9#9 (inverse cosine)
acosh(x) any 10#10 (inverse hyperbolic cosine) in radians
arg(x) complex the phase of 6#6
asin(x) any 11#11 (inverse sin)
asinh(x) any 12#12 (inverse hyperbolic sin) in radians
atan(x) any 13#13 (inverse tangent)
atan2(y,x) int or real 14#14 (inverse tangent)
atanh(x) any 15#15 (inverse hyperbolic tangent) in radians
besj0(x) int or real 16#16 Bessel function of 6#6, in radians
besj1(x) int or real 17#17 Bessel function of 6#6, in radians
besy0(x) int or real 18#18 Bessel function of 6#6, in radians
besy1(x) int or real 19#19 Bessel function of 6#6, in radians
ceil(x) any 20#20, smallest integer not less than 6#6 (real part)
cos(x) any 21#21, cosine of 6#6
cosh(x) any 22#22, hyperbolic cosine of 6#6 in radians
erf(x) any 23#23, error function of real(6#6)
erfc(x) any 24#24, 1.0 - error function of real(6#6)
exp(x) any 25#25, exponential function of 6#6
floor(x) any 26#26, largest integer not greater than 6#6 (real part)
gamma(x) any 27#27, gamma function of real(6#6)
ibeta(p,q,x) any 28#28, ibeta function of real(29#29,30#30,6#6)
inverf(x) any inverse error function of real(6#6)
igamma(a,x) any 31#31, igamma function of real(32#32,6#6)
imag(x) complex imaginary part of 6#6 as a real number
invnorm(x) any inverse normal distribution function of real(6#6)
int(x) real integer part of 6#6, truncated toward zero
lambertw(x) real Lambert W function
lgamma(x) any 33#33, lgamma function of real(6#6)
log(x) any 34#34, natural logarithm (base 35#35) of 6#6
log10(x) any 36#36, logarithm (base 37#37) of 6#6
norm(x) any normal distribution (Gaussian) function of real(6#6)
rand(x) any 38#38, pseudo random number generator
real(x) any real part of 6#6
sgn(x) any 1 if 39#39, -1 if 40#40, 0 if 41#41. imag(6#6) ignored
sin(x) any 42#42, sine of 6#6
sinh(x) any 43#43, hyperbolic sine of 6#6 in radians
sqrt(x) any 44#44, square root of 6#6
tan(x) any 45#45, tangent of 6#6
tanh(x) any 46#46, hyperbolic tangent of 6#6 in radians

String functions
Function Arguments Returns
gprintf("format",x) any string result from applying gnuplot's format parser
sprintf("format",x,...) multiple string result from C-language sprintf
strlen("string") string int length of string
strstrt("string","key") strings int index of first character of substring "key"
substr("string",beg,end) multiple string "string"[beg:end]
system("command") string string containing output stream of shell command
word("string",n) string, int returns the nth word in "string"
words("string") string returns the number of words in "string"

other gnuplot functions
Function Arguments Returns
column(x) int column 6#6 during datafile manipulation.
defined(X) variable name [DEPRECATED] returns 1 if X is defined, 0 otherwise.
exists("X") "variable name" returns 1 if a variable named X is defined, 0 otherwise.
stringcolumn(x) int content of column 6#6 as a string.
timecolumn(x) int timecolumn 6#6 during datafile manipulation.
tm_hour(x) int the hour
tm_mday(x) int the day of the month
tm_min(x) int the minute
tm_mon(x) int the month
tm_sec(x) int the second
tm_wday(x) int the day of the week
tm_yday(x) int the day of the year
tm_year(x) int the year
valid(x) int test validity of 47#47 during datafile manip.
See also use of functions and complex variables for airfoils demo.

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Alex T Prengel 2007-03-13