A Snapshot in Time


Although I spend a lot of time online, I rarely keep a web page. This simple page is just meant to be a tiny snapshot in time - putting things on the web hardly remains consistent with who I am, especially as my activities and interests shift over time. Below is a collection of links that reflect some of my interests right now.

News and Media

  • CNN My daily source of news, free online .
  • The Internet Movie Database A good place to check out movies before hitting the theaters.
  • The MP3 site A nice place to get information on this nifty audio format and more

    Arts and Entertainment

  • Cirque du Soleil A visual feast for the eyes and ears.
  • The Boston Ballet Another feast for the senses.
  • The Boston Museum of Fine Arts And Another.


  • Figure Skating I've recently gotten back into this sport, it's great exercise and I don't freeze.
  • Sailing I used to sail with the MIT team, but no more icy waters for me. I still do it durning the warm summer months tho.
  • Running I run for fun. But lately I haven't been doing as much. Hopefully I'll get back into it someday.

    sepherke@mit.edu Christina Chu
    Last modified on Mon Feb 8 22:10:43 EST 1999