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Running LATEX

If you have used any special .sty files (the optional packages or options mentioned previously) which are only available from SIPB, you must first set an environment variable to let LATEX know where to go to find these files. The command is:

attach sipb
setenv TEXINPUTS .:/mit/sipb/lib/tex/macros/:

These lines can be placed in your .environment file. (See the Athena document ``Essential Dotfiles.'' for more details). The trailing colon represents a blank path entry, which LATEX replaces with the default path entries. Alternately, you can add add -f newtex to your .environment file such that LATEXwill be run from the newtex locker and have the TEXINPUTS automatically set.

You can process a LATEX file by typing

latex filename.tex

where filename.tex is the name of your file that you want to process. LATEX produces an output file named filename.dvi (a device independent file), which can be converted and printed on various types of printers.


Alex Rolfe