grid.yaxis {grid}R Documentation

Draw a Y-Axis


These functions create and draw a y-axis.


grid.yaxis(at = NULL, label = TRUE, main = TRUE, name = NULL, gp  =gpar(),
           draw = TRUE, vp = NULL)
yaxisGrob(at = NULL, label = TRUE, main = TRUE, name = NULL, gp  =gpar(),
          vp = NULL)


at A numeric vector of y-value locations for the tick marks.
label A logical value indicating whether to draw the labels on the tick marks.
main A logical value indicating whether to draw the axis at the left (TRUE) or at the right (FALSE) of the viewport.
name A character identifier.
gp An object of class gpar, typically the output from a call to the function gpar. This is basically a list of graphical parameter settings.
draw A logical value indicating whether graphics output should be produced.
vp A Grid viewport obect (or NULL).


Both functions create a yaxis grob (a graphical object describing a yaxis), but only grid.yaxis draws the yaxis (and then only if draw is TRUE).


A yaxis grob. grid.yaxis returns the value invisibly.


If the at slot of an xaxis grob is not NULL then the xaxis will have the following children:

representing the line at the base of the tick marks.
representing the tick marks.
representing the tick labels.

If the at slot is NULL then there are no children and ticks are drawn based on the current viewport scale.


Paul Murrell

See Also

Grid, viewport, grid.xaxis

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