vis.gam {mgcv}R Documentation

Visualization of GAM objects


Produces perspective or contour plot views of gam model predictions, fixing all but the values in view to the values supplied in cond.




x a gam object, produced by gam()
view an array containing the names of the two predictor variables to be displayed on the x and y dimensions of the plot. If omitted the first two suitable variables will be used. Names must be names from names(x$model).
cond a named list of the values to use for the other predictor variables (not in view). Variables omitted from this list will have their values set to their mean for continuous variables, or first level for factors. Names must correspond to names(x$model).
n.grid The number of grid nodes in each direction used for calculating the plotted surface.
too.far plot grid nodes that are too far from the points defined by the variables given in view can be excluded from the plot. too.far determines what is too far. The grid is scaled into the unit square along with the view variables and then grid nodes more than too.far from the predictor variables are excluded.
col The colours for the facets of the plot. If this is NA then if se>0 the facets are transparent, otherwise the colour scheme specified in color is used. If col is not NA then it is used as the facet colour.
color the colour scheme to use for plots when se<=0. One of "topo", "heat", "cm" or "terrain".
contour.col sets the colour of contours when using plot.type="contour". Default scheme used if NULL.
se if less than or equal to zero then only the predicted surface is plotted, but if greater than zero, then 3 surfaces are plotted, one at the predicted values minus se standard errors, one at the predicted values and one at the predicted values plus se standard errors.
type "link" to plot on linear predictor scale and "response" to plot on the response scale.
plot.type one of "contour" or "persp".
zlim a two item array giving the lower and upper limits for the z-axis scale. NULL to choose automatically.
... other options to pass on to persp. In particular ticktype="detailed" will add proper axes labelling to the plots.


The x and y limits are determined by the ranges of the variables supplied in view. If se<=0 then a single (height colour coded, by default) surface is produced, otherwise three (by default see-through) meshes are produced at mean and +/- se standard errors. Parts of the x-y plane too far from data can be excluded by setting too.far


Simply produces a plot.


Simon Wood

Based on an original idea and design by Mike Lonergan.

See Also

persp and gam.


x0 <- runif(n, 0, 1);x1 <- runif(n, 0, 1)
x2 <- runif(n, 0, 1)
y<-x0^2+x1*x2 +runif(n,-0.3,0.3)
# display the prediction surface in x0, x1 ....
vis.gam(g,se=2,theta=-35) # with twice standard error surfaces
vis.gam(g, view=c("x1","x2"),cond=list(x0=0.75)) # different view 
vis.gam(g, view=c("x1","x2"),cond=list(x0=0.75),theta=210,phi=40,too.far=0.07)
# contour examples....
vis.gam(g, view=c("x1","x2"),plot.type="contour",color="heat")
vis.gam(g, view=c("x1","x2"),plot.type="contour",color="terrain")
vis.gam(g, view=c("x1","x2"),plot.type="contour",color="topo")
vis.gam(g, view=c("x1","x2"),plot.type="contour",color="cm")

# ..... areas where there is no data are not plotted

# Examples with factor and "by" variables


vis.gam(b,theta=-35,color="heat") # factor example


vis.gam(b,theta=-35,color="heat",cond=list(z=1)) # by variable example

vis.gam(b,view=c("z","x"),theta= 35) # plot against by variable

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