The R Graphics Package

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Documentation for package `graphics' version 2.0.0

Help Pages


.Pars Set or Query Graphical Parameters

-- A --

abline Add a Straight Line to a Plot
arrows Add Arrows to a Plot
assocplot Association Plots
axis Add an Axis to a Plot
axis.Date Date and Date-time Plotting Functions
axis.POSIXct Date and Date-time Plotting Functions
axTicks Compute Axis Tickmark Locations

-- B --

barplot Bar Plots
box Draw a Box around a Plot
boxplot Box Plots
boxplot.stats Box Plot Statistics
bxp Box Plots from Summaries

-- C --

chull Compute Convex Hull of a Set of Points
close.screen Creating and Controlling Multiple Screens on a Single Device
co.intervals Conditioning Plots
contour Display Contours
contourLines Display Contours
coplot Conditioning Plots
curve Draw Function Plots

-- D --

dotchart Cleveland Dot Plots

-- E --

erase.screen Creating and Controlling Multiple Screens on a Single Device

-- F --

filled.contour Level (Contour) Plots
fourfoldplot Fourfold Plots
frame Create / Start a New Plot Frame

-- G --

grid Add Grid to a Plot

-- H --

hist Histograms
hist.Date Histogram of a Date or Date-Time Object
hist.default Histograms
hist.POSIXt Histogram of a Date or Date-Time Object

-- I --

identify Identify Points in a Scatter Plot
image Display a Color Image

-- L --

layout Specifying Complex Plot Arrangements
lcm Specifying Complex Plot Arrangements
legend Add Legends to Plots
lines Add Connected Line Segments to a Plot
lines.formula Formula Notation for Scatterplots
lines.histogram Plot Histograms
locator Graphical Input

-- M --

matlines Plot Columns of Matrices
matplot Plot Columns of Matrices
matpoints Plot Columns of Matrices
mosaicplot Mosaic Plots
mtext Write Text into the Margins of a Plot

-- N --

n2mfrow Compute Default mfrow From Number of Plots
nclass.FD Compute the Number of Classes for a Histogram
nclass.scott Compute the Number of Classes for a Histogram
nclass.Sturges Compute the Number of Classes for a Histogram

-- P --

pairs Scatterplot Matrices
panel.smooth Simple Panel Plot
par Set or Query Graphical Parameters
persp Perspective Plots
pie Pie Charts
plot Generic X-Y Plotting Plot Method for Data Frames
plot.Date Date and Date-time Plotting Functions
plot.default The Default Scatterplot Function Plot Univariate Effects of a `Design' or Model
plot.factor Plotting Factor Variables
plot.formula Formula Notation for Scatterplots
plot.function Draw Function Plots
plot.histogram Plot Histograms Create / Start a New Plot Frame
plot.POSIXct Date and Date-time Plotting Functions
plot.POSIXlt Date and Date-time Plotting Functions
plot.table Plot Methods for `table' Objects
plot.window Set up World Coordinates for Graphics Window
plot.xy Basic Internal Plot Function
points Add Points to a Plot
points.formula Formula Notation for Scatterplots
polygon Polygon Drawing

-- R --

rect Draw One or More Rectangles
rug Add a Rug to a Plot

-- S --

screen Creating and Controlling Multiple Screens on a Single Device
segments Add Line Segments to a Plot
split.screen Creating and Controlling Multiple Screens on a Single Device
stars Star (Spider/Radar) Plots and Segment Diagrams
stem Stem-and-Leaf Plots
strheight Plotting Dimensions of Character Strings and Math Expressions
stripchart 1-D Scatter Plots
strwidth Plotting Dimensions of Character Strings and Math Expressions
sunflowerplot Produce a Sunflower Scatter Plot
symbols Draw Symbols (Circles, Squares, Stars, Thermometers, Boxplots) on a Plot

-- T --

text Add Text to a Plot
title Plot Annotation

-- X --

xy.coords Extracting Plotting Structures
xyz.coords Extracting Plotting Structures