Class net.www.html.ContentHandler
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Class net.www.html.ContentHandler


public class ContentHandler
extends Object
Defines the API for reading content of arbitrary types. Any new MIME type has to define a new subclass of ContentHandler to decode and cope with objects of that type


getContent(InputStream, URL)
Given an input stream positioned at the beginning of the representation of an object, read that stream and recreate the object from it
getItem(InputStream, URL)
Given an input stream positioned at the beginning of the representation of an object, read that stream and create a DisplayItem that contains the object.

  public ContentHandler()

  public Object getContent(InputStream is,
                           URL u)
Given an input stream positioned at the beginning of the representation of an object, read that stream and recreate the object from it


  public DisplayItem getItem(InputStream is,
                             URL u)
Given an input stream positioned at the beginning of the representation of an object, read that stream and create a DisplayItem that contains the object. Returns null if this is a type that can't be put in a DisplayObject. getContent can still be called after getItem

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