Geographic Nameserver

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For example, enter "cambridge, ma" to look up Cambridge, Massachusetts. If you enter just "cambridge", you will get information on all towns called Cambridge.

This server contains mostly information on locations within the US. It uses the information from the geographic nameserver database formerly on

This data was last considered current circa 1987.


Search for New york,new york

$abbrev{"NY"} = "New York";
Placename State County Lat/Long Elevation Population Remark Postal code Nation
Upper New York Bay New York New York County 40:40:00 N 074:03:00 W US
New York New York 43:00:00 N 075:30:00 W NY US
New York County New York New York County 40:47:00 N 073:58:00 W US
Little New York Alabama Marshall County 34:23:16 N 086:11:09 W 624 US
New York Florida Santa Rosa County 30:50:18 N 087:12:03 W 231 US
New York Iowa Wayne County 40:51:06 N 093:15:35 W 1657 US
New York Kentucky Ballard County 36:59:20 N 088:57:09 W 460 US
New York Mills Minnesota Otter Tail County 46:31:05 N 095:22:33 W 1413 972 56567 US
West New York New Jersey Hudson County 40:47:16 N 074:00:53 W 185 39194 07093 US
Placename State County Lat/Long Elevation Population Remark Postal code Nation
New York New Mexico Valencia County 35:03:31 N 107:31:36 W US
East New York New York Kings County 40:40:00 N 073:52:58 W US
New York New York New York County 40:42:51 N 074:00:23 W 54 7071639 county seat 09001-2, 09007-9, 09011-2, 09017, 09019, 09021, 09023, 09025-6, 09028-31, 09033-6, 09038-40, 09045-61, 09063, 09066-70, 09072, 09074-86, 09088, 09090-3, 09095, 09098, 09102-5, 09107-12, 09114, 09117-8, 09120-1, 09123, 09125, 09127-33, 09137-46, 09150-5, 09159-66, 09168-73, 09175-80, 09182, 09184-6, 09188-9, 09193-4, 09210-1, 09213, 09215-6, 09220-1, 09223-4, 09227-8, 09232, 09238, 09240-1, 09243, 09245, 09252-4, 09277, 09279, 09281-6, 09289, 09291-4, 09298, 09305, 09310, 09312, 09321-2, 09325-6, 09330, 09333, 09338, 09351-5, 09358-60, 09372-3, 09376, 09378, 09380, 09401, 09403, 09405-7, 09411, 09451-5, 09457-8, 09460, 09483, 09501-2, 09505, 09510-34, 09536-51, 09557, 09559-79, 09581-3, 09586-95, 09597-8, 09607, 09611, 09615-6, 09633, 09657, 09659, 09662, 09664, 09666-72, 09675, 09677-9, 09690-7, 09701-2, 09710-2, 09742-3, 09751, 09755, 09757, 09777, 09794, 09801, 09807, 09827, 09860, 09862, 09870, 09872, 09892, 10001-41, 10043-8, 10055, 10060, 10079-81, 10087, 10090, 10094-6, 10098-9, 10101-24, 10126, 10128-32, 10138, 10149-78, 10184-5, 10196-7, 10199, 10203, 10211-3, 10242, 10249, 10256-61, 10268-81, 10285-6, 10292 US
New York Mills New York Oneida County 43:06:19 N 075:17:30 W 3549 13417 US
Little New York Texas Gonzales County 29:33:03 N 097:18:23 W US
New York Texas Henderson County 32:10:04 N 095:40:08 W 488 US
New York Butte California Inyo County 36:38:53 N 117:55:55 W 10668 US
New York Mountains California San Bernardino County 35:19:22 N 115:12:35 W US