Geographic Nameserver

The information on this server is not current. For current information see:

If you are looking for listings by city or zip code information, you could also try:

Enter the name of the place you want to look up

For example, enter "cambridge, ma" to look up Cambridge, Massachusetts. If you enter just "cambridge", you will get information on all towns called Cambridge.

This server contains mostly information on locations within the US. It uses the information from the geographic nameserver database formerly on

This data was last considered current circa 1987.


Search for shawano,wi

Placename State County Lat/Long Elevation Population Remark Postal code Nation
Shawano County Wisconsin Shawano County 44:48:00 N 088:46:00 W US
Shawano Lake Wisconsin Shawano County 44:48:36 N 088:30:47 W 802 US
Shawano Wisconsin Shawano County 44:46:56 N 088:36:32 W 821 7013 county seat 54166 US