Introduction to LaTeX

LaTeX is the gold standard for document typesetting in academia. In this 2 hour single-session IAP event we'll see how easy it is to make professional-looking papers and resumes, get you typesetting math like a pro, delve into macros, and finish with Beamer, the popular open-source LaTeX analog to Powerpoint.

When and Where: Mon Jan 26, 5:00-7:00pm, 1-115
Prerequisites: None
Contact: Jessica McKellar, Paul Baranay,

Class Material:
latex-files.tar.gz A tarball of all the class materials, including the images and source for the beamer slides.
latex.pdf The slides.

Other Potentially Useful Material:
(Remember! Use 1) (e)latex, 2) xdvi, and 3) dvips or just pdflatex to compile the .tex files.)

For Macs, I recommend the TeX previewer TexShop.
For Windows, the internet recommends MikTeX.

The official site for TeXShop, a GPL'ed graphical TeX editor and previewer for Mac OS X
The Sourceforge TeXShop page
A succinct page of common LaTeX symbols
An intimidatingly large but comprehensive list of LaTeX symbols

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