Run Summaries

[Still in progress. To date, 0 ("Prologue"), 1, 2, 18, 19, and 20 are done. ]

These are some quick summaries of the various major runs. It should give people an overview of what happened, though a lot of the details are missing.

* Prologue: Arrivals
* Run 1: The Stage is Set
* Run 2: The Plot Thickens and a New Player is Added
* Run 3: To Serve and Protect
* Run 4: An Old Relative Makes an Appearance
* Run 5: Some Sides are Identified
* Run 6: Split Screen
* Run 7: Escape from Avalon
* Run 8: My Laser was Blue-Green
* Run 9: Prelude to Invasion
* Run 10: A Small War is Conducted
* Run 11: A Small Invasion is Prevented
* Run 12: Prelude to Disaster
* Run 13: Disaster
* Run 14: Into the Abyss
* Run 15: Aftermath
* Run 16: Reprise
* Run 17: Some Loose Ends are Tied Up
* Run 18: The House of Cards Collapses
* Run 19: Boom, boom, boom.
* Run 20: Desperate Measures
* Run 21: Oberon in Disguise