[Trump Image]


Lunatic at Large

Nikrowd holds some nebulous position in Rebma, which to this day none of us is at all clear on, except that it probably has something to do with trump and maybe also sorcery.

Nikrowd's a fascinating guy, with lots of fascinating stories, which we don't think are true, like ``Amber is really just a reflection of Rebma,'' ``I drew the pattern in Rebma,'' ``Oh, that hasn't happened yet.''

Nikrowd is easily distracted and has a tendency to do strange things, like eat off of someone else's plates, leaving his own untouched.


Nikrowd is tall, thin, and stands ramrod straight. He is young, clean shaven, and well groomed. In otherwords, everything that Dworkin is not. His hair is dark and his eyes are blue. He looks a lot like Kyle Mclaughlin, actually. He wears a loose grey robe, covered with a multitude of small pockets, each with a trump in it, over which he wears a double bandolier, also full of trumps. Guess what this guy does for a living?

Nikrowd has often been seen (whenever he's in a fight) in another form, which looks a lot like the alien from Alien . He's also very fond of impersonating Dworkin. His theory is that if people think he's Dworkin, they'll let him wander anywhere he wants to in Castle Amber.


Well, he's from Rebma, but probably not originally. There have been a few hints that he may originally be from Chaos, but Nikrowd hasn't been exceptionally talkative on that point.

Points and Powers

It's pretty clear at this point that Nikrowd started with Advanced Trump Artistry and has progressed beyond that point, since he can do things now like pull multiple duplicates of himself out of a trump image and create trump sketches of a person he just met with a snap of the finger. The white mermaid on a blue field (facing in the opposite direction as the unicorn of Amber) is his self proclaimed symbol for Remba and graces the back of all Nikrowd's trumps. Nikrowd, a competant sorcery from the start, has since learned to combine sorcery with trump, for a truly frightening combination. He also may know at least a little something about conjuration and as well as spikards.

His points, as bid for in the original auction were:

Psyche		41	(2nd rank)
Strength	nb
Endurance	nb
Warfare		 1	(5th rank)

Adventures, Exploits, and Other Noteworthy Information

``Oh, that's what the mace as the pivot meant.'' Upon discovering the Pattern which Corwin drew shortly before the end of the Patternfall War, Nikrowd decided to do a trump scry to find out whether he should try to walk it. (Keverian had just done one himself, and was standing nearby pondering the results.) He doesn't do trump scrys like the rest of us, though: Nikrowd rapidly put a hand on pocket after pocket (six in all) and then said ``Ah-ha, everything is clear to me.'' He then walked up to the beginning of the Pattern, started to put a foot down and was promptly blown about ten feet back and knocked out. This was his comment upon regaining consciousness.

``Tell Torquil I'll be thinking of him..'' In the invasion of Avalon, Nikrowd conjures himself armoured and engine speed, puts Torquil (he's small ;) on his shoulders and begins zipping around inside the castle looking for bad guys (scanning with psyche to make such no one is lying in ambush). Unfortunately, Deirdre is standing just around a conrer, psychic neutral. She clotheslines Nikrowd with her battle axe and Nikrowd, who had been travelling at about 60 mph, suddenly stops. Torquil, riding on Nikrowd's shoulders, doesn't.

Jelly donuts, toothpicks, and purple thread. Nikrowd elaborates on and explains Dworkin's metaphor for the nature of reality. Don't expect this to make too much sense.

How to Split a Party of Four People Four Ways The adventures of Katarina, Mikele, Martin, & Nikrowd, with Finndo guest starring as chief bad guy. Read all about it here. (It's long.)

Best of Nikrowd

Encoutering a man in black he has never seen before:
"So, we meet again." (Nikrowd)
"Dolshenib! I had not thought to see you again so so, especially in the presence of the Blasphemer." (man in black)

``I have bad news: Brand is out of the Abyss.'' (Torquil)
``Oh? You didn't know that? He's been out for quite soem time.'' (Nikrowd)
``What? Why didn't you tell us?'' (Everyone else)
``You didn't ask.'' (Nikrowd)

``Did you bring the mail?'' (Nikrowd, in the shape of Dworkin, to the Captain of Finndo's guard, come to escort all of us to the dungeon.)