Somewhere in Thelbane, shortly before the war

She had been in one of her moods and had hardly eaten in almost a week. We all knew why of course, but no one ever discussed it in her presence. When he came home someone sent him to her room. We couldn't make out words but his tone said it all. The righteous sincerity in his voice was phenomenal. Besides, she could never resist his eyes. The next morning things were back to normal, such as they were.

For her sake we all put on bright smiles and pretended nothing was wrong. Looking at her beauty I couldn't understand why he acted the way he did. Don't get me wrong, I was no restless hot blooded youth, diverted by anything in a skirt. But looking at her, well, I couldn't see how he could have need for anyone else.

He was half an hour late when he finally showed up for dinner. She was beginning to get a little worried, and I racked my brains for another excuse for his Majesty. It turned out it wasn't needed -- good thing as I had none.

He strode up with a warm smile on his face, every inch the king, every ounce of his inestimable charm aimed at her. The delight in her unsuspecting eyes was plain to see. If there's one thing that rogue could do it was make a lady feel special. I loved to see her smile and could almost forgive him his vices.

Dinner went smoothly until about halfway through when someone jostled his elbow after a trump call. The cards spilled onto the table, somehow avoiding landing in the food. His Majesty was quick to collect them, however upon flipping through the deck he found one missing. I spotted it before he did, but someone else had been quicker. The hand that rested lightly over the missing trump belonged to Her Majesty. Now of course there were many lords and ladies at court, and His Majesty was expected to have a number of them in his deck. Something told me this one was different. From where I sat I could see that the lady on that last card was not Sive.

When he saw where the card had ended up, he paused. Very carefully he asked, "My dear, is there something wrong?" That look she gave him then, that's how I'll always remember her. Beautiful and unbearably sad. Betrayed, yet still begging him to deny it. She sat very still for a long moment. Silently I implored her to denounce him then and there. It was her right. In that room alone I counted no less than four who would be her champion.

Again, "Is something wrong?"

In reply, she pushed the trump, somehow already face down, towards him. It seemed to disappear as he palmed it.

I guess after that, nothing more needed to be said. She left the table, a flock of attendants hurrying in her wake. One of them returned shortly to express the queen's regrets that she was feeling unwell and thus would retire for the evening. "Unwell", the Serpent's eye! Dinner didn't last long after that and even he had the sense to appear a little subdued.

Afterwards Jacyon, the only one close enough to have any influence at all, took after him. I wished him luck. I didn't know how long His Majesty intended to keep playing his games but we certainly couldn't cover for him forever.

Her Majesty had often confided in Larissa so that's who I went to see later that evening. We went outside to talk. Larissa had seen Sive to bed earlier and she seemed to be sleeping albeit fitfully.

We walked and talked for over an hour, finally winding up on the Abyss side. In the light of its glow I caught a glimpse of something shining in the garden. Rose-gold. The night was cold, but the dread in my heart was colder. Together we broke into a run.

We were the first to find her and for that dubious honor we spent the rest of the night being questioned. But no one in Thelbane slept that night. In my mind, this was the true beginning of Chaos's time of troubles.

I don't know as I'd say he deserved it, but after that day... Well, let's just say I shed no tears over Vere Swayvil.