perlbook - Perl book information


You can order Perl books from O'Reilly & Associates, 1-800-998-9938. Local/overseas is 1-707-829-0515. If you can locate an O'Reilly order form, you can also fax to 1-707-829-0104. Programming Perl is a reference work that covers nearly all of Perl (version 4, alas), while Learning Perl is a tutorial that covers the most frequently used subset of the language.

        Programming Perl (the Camel Book):
            ISBN 0-937175-64-1        (English)
            ISBN 4-89052-384-7        (Japanese)
        Learning Perl (the Llama Book):
            ISBN 1-56592-042-2        (English)

Camel Book Errata and Addenda

The first edition of the Perl book, Programming Perl, has the following omissions and goofs.

On page 5, the examples which read

        eval "/usr/bin/perl
should read

        eval "exec /usr/bin/perl
On page 195, the equivalent to the System V sum program only works for very small files. To do larger files, use

        undef $/;
        $checksum = unpack("%32C*",<>) % 65535;
The descriptions of alarm and sleep refer to signal SIGALARM. These should refer to SIGALRM.

The -0 switch to set the initial value of $/ was added to Perl after the book went to press.

The -l switch now does automatic line ending processing.

The qx// construct is now a synonym for backticks.

$0 may now be assigned to set the argument displayed by ps(1).

The new @###.## format was omitted accidentally from the description on formats.

It wasn't known at press time that s///ee caused multiple evaluations of the replacement expression. This is to be construed as a feature.

(LIST) x $count now does array replication.

There is now no limit on the number of parentheses in a regular expression.

In double-quote context, more escapes are supported: \e, \a, \x1b, \c[, \l, \L, \u, \U, \&/B;. The latter five control upper and lower case translation.

The $/ variable may now be set to a multi-character delimiter.

There is now a g modifier on ordinary pattern matching that causes it to iterate through a string finding multiple matches.

All of the $^X variables are new except for $^T .

The default top-of-form format for FILEHANDLE is now FILEHANDLE_TOP rather than top.

The eval {} and sort {} constructs were added in version 4.018.

The v and V (little-endian) template options for pack and unpack were added in 4.019.