Housing and Community Affairs (HCA) Committee
The HCA committee is the main advocacy branch of the GSC. The committee’s work focuses on ensuring that the MIT graduate experience is enjoyable, affordable, safe, healthy, and marked by a welcoming community. A large portion of the work carried out by the HCA is done through a set of subcommittees, each of which focuses on a particuar aspect of student life.
To find out more, please feel free to contact the HCA committee chairs at gsc-hca[at]mit[dot]edu, or attend the next meeting. You may also wish to consult the committee and subcommittee meeting minutes to see what topics are currently under discussion.
HCA Subcommittees
- Family Subcommittee
- Chair: Jason Blake Cohen, jasonbc[at]mit[dot]edu
- Off-campus Subcommittee
- Chair: Jeff Chambers, jtc[at]mit[dot]edu
- On-campus Subcommittee
HCA works closely with all the graduate dorm governments to foster good inter-dorm relations, to further their common goals and to connect them with off-campus students. - Safety & Transportation Subcommittee
This subcommittee addresses issues such as Tech Shuttle and Saferide routing and policies, safety in the expanded Northwest corner of campus, parking policies and facilities, etc.- Chair: Michael Hanowsky, hanowsky[at]mit[dot]edu
- Taxation Subcommittee
- Chair: Todd Harris, tjharris[at]mit[dot]edu
- Provide information to students about this issue (web, email, grad news).
- Document the breadth of the problem and the financial impact on individual students for the fiscal year.
- Work with the institution to provide verification of .take home. stipend levels to help students meet eligibility requirements of various programs.
- Obtain discretionary funds from the Provost or from individual departments to compensate affected students.