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The bezel is the top of the ring, the main identifying feature of
the classic MIT Brass Rat, and a major element of the GradRat.
The bezel features the MIT mascot, the beaver, like every other
Brass Rat. The beaver is surounded by a myriad of symbols
that represent our graduate experience at MIT.
The GradRat design team chose a left viewing beaver like the
original 1930 Brass Rat does. The beaver's posture was chosen
to show a strong nature, while maintaining a friendly attitude.
Bezel Elements
The beaver is holding a diploma, the tangible result of all our hard work. |
A graph on the stump represents not only all the graphs we make over our years
at MIT, it also represent the ups and downs of our graduate careers. |
The diploma, arguably the most valuable tangible result at the end of
our study, extends into the most valuable tangible element of our daily lives as graduate
students: free food. |
Handless Clock
A clock without hands represents our lack of fixed time to graduation and
the fact that there never is enough time to do all the things we need to while at MIT. |
A tent city reflects the state of affordable graduate housing at MIT. |
In the clouds hides a pillow to represent all the sleep we miss at night, and
the naps that may overtake us during the day. |
A moon in the sky sets the scene at night, where much of our time is spent awake at MIT. |
Few things define these years at MIT more characteristically than the endless,
constant construction on campus. From the Stata Center, to the new dorms, the Z-Center, and
the streets around campus. |
A Building
A pile of refuse next to the beaver represents one of these prominent new buildings. |
Road Block
In the road towards graduate is a roablock that represents all our obstacles to
get there, not the least of which is quals. The roadblock is made out of logs, representing
that those obstacles are put there also by ourselves. |
Light at the End of the Tunnel
While we may have obstacles, construction, lack of sleep, etc, ultimately
there is a light at the end of the tunnel. |