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GradRat logo

The GradRat Ring Committee is a subcommittee of the Academics, Research, and Careers Committee of the GSC.


GradRat general questions:

Your Name:
Your Email:

GradRat ordering appointments at the GSC Office:


Contact our Balfour Representative:


GSC Ring Committee

The GSC Ring Committee members for 2008-2009 were:

Alessondra Springman, ChairGEAPS
Shahriar KhushrushahiGEECS
Ali MotamediGEECS
Marcus DahlemGEECS
Nikhil GalagaliGCDO

The GSC Ring Committee members for 2007-2008 were:

Shahriar Khushrushahi, ChairGEECS
Ali MotamediGEECS
Marcus DahlemGEECS
Vincent BerubeGPHYS
Saeed AridaGARCH
Sergio ArayaGARCH

The GSC Ring Committee members for 2006-2007 were:

Jack Miles Milwid, ChairGHST
Mara Lee MacdonaldGHST
Danilo ScepanovicGHST
Shan WuGBE

The GSC Ring Committee members for 2005-2006 were:

Ali Motamedi, ChairGEECS
Marcus DahlemGEECS
Michael FolkertGHST
Erik Larsen (ARC Co-Chair)GHST
Vikas SharmaGEECS

The Founding 2003-2004 GSC Ring Committee members were:

Alvar Saenz-Otero, ChairG16
James DaiGMAS
Akshay MohanGMAS
Justin WerfelG6
Lucy WongG4

A new committee will be formed by the GSC for each subsequent year to help prepare a premiere for incoming students, publicity in general, and the delivery events. If you are interested in being part of a future committee please e-mail the Ring Committee at <gsc-ring@mit.edu> or the GSC Officers at <gsc-officers[at]mit[dot]edu>.


Our Balfour representative is Peg Mead. She takes care of all the financial and administrative parts of the GradRat, including ordering and payments. Peg's contact information is as follows:

Peg Mead
College Regional Manager
Balfour College Division
P.O. Box 583
Randolph, MA  02368
office:  1-800-996-8636
fax:     781 821-1953
cell:    617 750-2723
email:   peg.mead@balfour.com

Timothy (Tim) F. Flynn is the Balfour artist who helped design the GradRat using the committee members input.

Bonnie Glendinning, based at the Austin office of Balfour, is the graphic designed who created the image of the GradRat logos.