Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 13:57:39 EDT To: From: Emily Fox Subject: SGCO minutes 10/19/06 Minutes for SGCO meeting 10/19/06 Attending: Sharon, Pranava, Cheston, Emily, and Stephen 1. Updates to committee membership * Mian dropped committee due to other commitments 2. Results from GSC ARC meeting * not as helpful as hoped for * next time we should try to get earlier on the agenda * we need them to help us rather than just giving them an update 3. Proposal * need to write one * include many options that might be in the final proposal * put on website and link options to a wiki where people could add pros/cons 4. Professor interviews * contact professors * each committee member choose one they think would be supportive and one that they think would have problems with a P/D/F option 5. Student survey * try to piggy-back on the GIR curriculum changes and survey * let ARC send out the survey later this semester 6. Other things * put together slides for a presentation on P/D/F * student groups voting to support this proposal * see if other universities have an option 7. Action items summary * put together proposal (Emily) * contact Peggy Enders about undergrad GIR changes (Emily) * write-up standard email to send to professors asking for interviews (Sharon) * survey questions to ask professors (Cheston) * slide presentation (Pranava) * gather data on other universities (Pranava and Cheston) * website and wiki (Stephen) 8. Next meeting - virtual each other to give updates and keep each other on task Next real meeting - Thursday, Nov. 9th at 1pm 9. Adjourn