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The Twelfth Night Cast Recovering from the shipwreck, the Sea Captain and Viola discuss their paths
Maria shows Andrew the buttery-bar, while Toby looks on in amusement Orsino sends Viola to Olivia
Feste the Jester Viola pleads Orsino's love for Olivia
Toby, Andrew, and Fabian hide in the garden to listen in on Malvolio Malvolio cross-gartered
Toby reads over Andrew's challenge to Viola with approval Orsino's musicians - Noyse at Will
Viola and Andrew's duel is interrupted by Antonio and Toby Sebastian and Toby have at it, but are interrupted by an enraged Olivia
Olivia summons the priest so she can marry an unsuspecting Sebastian Feste fools another coin out of Orsino
Olivia's servant fusses with a wounded Sir Andrew Feste reads Malvolio's plea for help