What multiuser extensions and security options are available?
OS/2 Warp, as it ships, does not provide multiuser capabilities. These capabilities are provided by add-ons which deliver security, network access by many users, remote control capabilities, or some combination of features. Commercial products for remote and network access include:
Citrix Citrix Systems 305-755-0559 DCAF IBM 800-IBM-CALL KopyKat Hilgraeve 313-243-0576 LAN Distance IBM 800-IBM-CALL LAN Server IBM 800-IBM-CALL OS2You/PM2You Ridax programutveckling Sweden 031-196074 Poly/PM Software Corp. of America 203-359-2773 Remote-OS Software Lifeline 407-994-4466
Products which provide security features (including software designed to protect OS/2 Warp in a computer lab, where PCs are used by many different people, one at a time) include:
DeskMan/2 DevTech 803-790-9230 Desktop Observatory Pinnacle 317-279-5157 PC/DACS Pyramid 203-257-4223 Restricted Workplace IBM (Limited Availability) Secure Workplace Syntegration 909-464-9450
As always, you should contact each vendor for additional information so that you can determine which software best meets your needs for security, remote access, network access, and multiuser capabilities with OS/2 Warp.
Related information:
(3.2) Shareware and Freeware Sources (3.8) Networking Products (3.15) Dealers Specializing in OS/2 Warp
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