What OS/2 Warp books and magazines are available?
OS/2 Warp has its own magazines: OS/2 Developer Magazine (phone 800-WANT-OS2 or 708-647-5960, FAX 708-647-0537), Inside OS/2 (phone 502-491-1900), OS/2 Professional (phone 301-770-7302), and OS/2 Magazine (Miller-Freeman; phone 800-765-1291 or 415-905-2200, or FAX 415-905-2499).
Many OS/2 Warp books can be ordered by calling the IBM OS/2 Warp Hotline at 800-342-6672. Or you may obtain OS/2 Warp books through most computer book sellers. The most popular, general user guides to OS/2 Warp include OS/2 Warp Unleashed (by Moskowitz and Kerr), Inside OS/2 Warp (published by Que), and Your OS/2 Warp Consultant (by Herb Tyson). Other books (both new and updates to existing OS/2 titles) are also available.
Several publishers specialize in OS/2 Warp. For example, Van Nostrand-Reinhold publishes perhaps the largest selection of books (particularly on programming topics) relating to OS/2 Warp. If you cannot find a good selection of OS/2 Warp books at your favorite computer book vendor, ask your dealer to order the titles that interest you or contact one of the (3.15) Dealers Specializing in OS/2 Warp.
IBM publishes technical guides on various OS/2 Warp topics called "redbooks." To order these and other IBM publications phone your local IBM office and ask for the Librarian or phone 800-765-4IBM. Many IBM publications are available in both printed and CD-ROM formats. Some IBM publications are also available by calling IBM Technical Books at 800-IBM-PCTB.
Related information:
(3.15) Dealers Specializing in OS/2 Warp (4.5) Technical Support
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