The Evolution of the Stickman
Mural Coming Soon

Welcome to our humble home - First West. We are a happy bunch of 28 students and a tutor who live together on the first floor of the west parallel of East Campus. The ten floors of EC have very unique personalities - some are quiet and studious, some are loud and destructive. The best three words to describe 1W are "social", "diverse", and "moo".

Walk down our hallway any night between 8pm and 3am. Will you find closed doors, people tooling away silently in their rooms? Well, maybe a couple. But mostly you'll find people strewn all over our lounge, dining room, kitchen, and hallways. These folks may be cooking, eating, tooling, experimenting, playing Cookie Hockey, or even taking the ol' octagons for a spin.

But true Stickmen don't limit their activities to the hall. Like theatre? In the past year, hall members have been involved both behind and on the stage in productions for the Musical Theatre Guild, Shakespeare Ensemble, Dramashop, and Roadkill Buffet. Want to touch the rest of the dorm? (Not like that!!!) 1W always has a high turnout at EC Housecomm. Dorm officers on the hall include the Secretary, GameComm, one Rush Chair and one UA Representative. Our hobbies range from cooking to Barbie doll collecting to Assassin's Guild games. Like frat/sorority life but want to live in a dorm? Members of the #6 Club, Sigma Kappa, and Kappa Alpha Theta live here, including the President of Kappa Alpha Theta. Want sports? We don't have any hall IM teams (yet), but the physical activities of Stickmen range from tennis to fencing to bodybuilding to bellydancing!

Didn't see the activity you're interested in on the list? That's great! We're all individuals here - we can't wait to see what bit of uniqueness you could add to the floor.

So that's us - one of the most varied and outgoing halls in East Campus. Without the annoying stairs!