From ---@MIT.EDU Thu Mar 18 18:02:49 2004 Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 15:50:53 -0500 (EST) From: C_________ B_________ <---@MIT.EDU> To:, Subject: SIN! Definition of Sin: Sin is transgression of law. Law is love. Love is law. La la la. Love. Pungent, sickly sweet aromas tear at intestinal lining. Love. Donotnhate///sin. If you inject 130 ridalin modules hypocutaneously there is a concentration of anti-love Sin. Sin. Stuffing great heaping maggot-hills into gaping maws. Sin. Sin. Everywhere sin. Sin is death of God. There is one God and one Sin. Sin. Do not Sin. Sinner. Slurries of flame erupt brain cells spilling tangential fornication into brick-bat-swinging mind demons. There is nothing to understand, for understanding is sin. Sin. Sin is suffering. Babies, undercut, kneeless wheel around. Flagrant flagging killbot. Sin. Drink eat sleep sin. Sinner. Dripping limber lips taste over-ridden senses hogtied delerious presence slender bodice corset tied tight tin-sin-slut. Sin. Drunken stupor fantasies corrupt undulate breakdown repression-barriers. Sin. Sin is living. Cancerous-venom-shriek. Uproarious tyrant mangle. We are sinners, we. So sin.