To: nihilists Subject: quite the sortie Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 14:06:26 -0500 From: Nicholet Vermillion (I have a feeling I'm going to do this a lot: send random emails about how I'm doing or being to this list, which currently has a lot of my friends on it, as roast gets closer and closer and I have no time to actually talk to anyone. If you mind, just athena% blanche -d $USER nihilists. If you want to hear from me from now on, send email! Email is key.) Yesterday (or two days ago, I forget) i was in the m66 cluster. I had eaten some gooseberry's and there was an empty stereoform container and an empty soy milk plastic bottle by the machine I was using. I went to leave and left the trash there. As I reached the door, the media lab dude who was sitting next to me ran up to me and told me in a british accent to throw my trash away, that it was inconsiderate to those in the cluster, not very accusatory, actually sorta nice. But I hate being told I'm wrong. It leads me to want to deny and screw back, even when I know I'm wrong. Unforunate. So, I took the trash and put on top of the printer, knowing that the british media lab dude wouldn't see it immediately but would on his way out. Nerve. I smiled as I left the cluster. Then today, I got a package by express mail. It was from "concerned users/ 77 Mass Ave. / Cambridge, MA 02139". It was lumpy. I opened it up, having no idea what was inside. Inside was another package, saying "I believe you may have left this behind by mistake". Inside this package was my trash. Postage of $5.65. Oh my lord. This human has made me so happy. Such nerve I have rarely seen. My life isn't empty, it's too full. I must meet this person. Nich