From: [Email] To: Subject: Westgate Reservation Request CC: [Email] Reservation Information: Reservation Location: [Location] Reservation Date: [Month] [Day], [Year] Starting Time: [Start_Hour]:[Start_Minute] [Start_Time] Ending Time: [End_Hour]:[End_Minute] [End_Time] -------------------------------------------------------- Contact Information: Name: [Title] [Given_Name] [Family_Name] Apartment Number: [APT] Home Phone Number: [Home_Phone] Office Phone Number: [Office_Phone] E-mail Address: [Email] Event Title: [Event] Reservation Fee: [Fee] -------------------------------------------------------- Rules and Regulations: *[Rules], [Title] [Family_Name] has read and agrees to the rules for the location he/she is reserving and the MIT guidelines for organizing events found from *Will 100 or more people be present at this event? Answer: [Guests_100]. If yes, [Title] [Family_Name] will fill out and file all of the necessary forms prior to the event and comply with all MIT policies regarding event registration found from *Will Alcoholic Beverages be at this Event? Answer: [Alcohol]. If yes, [Title] [Family_Name] will fill out and file all of the necessary forms prior to the event and comply with all MIT policies regarding alcohol and event registration found from,, and