wxWindows Samples ----------------- animate A 3D rotating cube. buttnbar Button bar (Windows only). This is demonstrates the Windows-optimized version of wxToolBar. docview Demonstrates the document/view framework. Pass the flag -single for single window mode, -mdi for MDI mode, -sdi for multiple unconstrained windows. form A wxForm demo. fractal Fractal mountains. hello A fairly complex canvas, text window and panel demonstration. This is usually a good test of a wxWindows installation. ipc Interprocess communication demo. Start server and then client. Click on the server's listbox to notify the client; or pick items from the client's menubar. layout Shows off the constraint-based layout system. Subwindows and panel items are constrained in size and position relative to siblings or parent. mdi MDI demo (most appropriate to Windows). Start with -mdi or -sdi to show different modes of operation. memcheck Demonstrates memory checking and object dumping. You need to compile both wxWindows and this sample in DEBUG mode, i.e. passing DEBUG=1 to the makefiles. minimal A very small (minimal) wxWindows program. odbc ODBC sample (Windows only). You must edit wx/include/base/wx_setup.h and set USE_ODBC to 1 before recompiling. You also need to have odbc.dll, sql.h and sqlext.h. ODBC binaries come with products such as MS Office; but the headers must be purchased with the ODBC SDK. panel Shows drawing on a panel. A marbled background is drawn, with a gauge that is incremented by pressing either of two buttons. printing Demonstrates the print/preview framework. static Demonstrates undocumented static panel items. Beware: not fully debugged. toolbar Shows the generic wxToolBar class in use. See also buttnbar. vlist Demonstrates an undocumented virtual listbox implementation. Beware: not fully debugged.