There are three ways to browse lucy's answers: 1. Look at "lucy's latest" in techinfo. 2. Walk up to an Athena workstation and select "Advice (lucy)" from the "Other Options" menu. 3. Using an Athena account, type "add lucy; lucy browse". There are three ways to ask lucy a question: 1. Using an Athena account, type "add lucy; lucy ask". 2. Walk up to an Athena workstation and select "Advice (lucy)" from the "Other Options" menu. 3. Send electronic mail to . The mail headers are stripped off of your message before it reaches lucy, except for the subject line. So if you want a private answer, you will have to include your email address, phone number or interdepartmental mail address. Also, be sure to tell lucy whether or not it's ok to post your answer for others to see. lucy will remove any information that might identify you.