diffs-c.txt [1999/12/03] History of changes for AMS document classes and the amsthm package. ======================================================================== Differences in amsthm 2.0 (November 1999) ---Allow line breaks in theorem headings (added \deferred@thm@head and related code). ---Make \end{proof} force end of paragraph so following text is indented (oversight in version 1.2). !! This change may affect line breaks and page breaks. ---Added \qedhere command for flush-right QED symbol in displayed equations. ---Added amsthdoc.tex documentation file (taken from amsldoc.tex). ---Merged amsthm.dtx into amsclass.dtx. ======================================================================== Differences in amsart/amsbook/amsproc 2.0 (November 1999) ---Corrected erroneous default style for labelenumi (should be parens instead of period); increase list left margins slightly. !! To revert to former style: \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\theenumi.} ---amsart: For "swapped" theorem heads (numbers shifted to the left margin) the number font was changed to lightface to match subsection numbers. This is an AMS journal style requirement---old behavior was incorrect. !! This change may affect line breaks and page breaks. ---Overfull \vbox messages for every other page: increased headheight ---Added openany option for amsbook ---Moved erroneously placed \endgroup in \curraddr, \email and \urladdr ---Added a year option to \subjclass (default to 1991 for backward compatibility). ---For \cleardoublepage, use \pagestyle{empty} for blank pages. ---Empty argument of \thanks: do nothing instead of printing an empty footnote. ---Clear up contradictory font size commands for abstract; always \Small ---Omit final punctuation for \section{} head containing only a number. ---Added \contentsnamefont to make changes easier ---Read a .cfg file. ---Changed \parindent\z@ to \@parboxrestore in \@serieslogo to avoid side effects depending on context of pagebreaks. ---Use \protect instead of \@nx in \@secmark ---Moved \thispagestyle{firstpage} closer to beginning of \maketitle to assure the logo will be set on the first page if long abstract breaks to second page (for QAM) ---Added support for paragraph, subparagraph ---In \partrunhead, added \ignorespaces, \unskip ---In \@starttoc, set \parskip to zero ---In \indexchap, rearranged commands to fix vertical spacing for title; wrong \baselineskip was being used, resulting in title 6pt too low ---Footnote failure in minipage: Changed \@makefnmark so that is doesn't use math mode. ---Added figure* and table* environments ---Revised \@cflci to do the right thing with drop folio at the end of a two-column page. ---Incorporate amsthm package by direct embedding instead of \RequirePackage. ---Added missing default definition for \MRhref. ---Use \MakeTextUppercase if available to handle latin-1 characters in author names. ---amsbook: Print keywords and date info on title-page obverse if given. ---Added various features for AMS in-house use: \dateposted, e-only option, \Mc, etc. ======================================================================== Differences in amsart/amsbook/amsproc 1.2 (January 1995) ---Documentation The documentation for the AMS documentclasses, formerly contained in amslatex.tex, is now found in instr-l.tex in the amslatex/classes area. This is a copy of the file instr-l.tex that is found in the author-info area of e-math.ams.org. That area contains additional information pertaining specifically to the submission of LaTeX or AmS-TeX documents to AMS publications. ---New documentclass "amsproc". A document class amsproc has been added for books that consist of a collection of articles, such as the proceedings of a conference. ---Different placement of "abstract" environment. The abstract should now be entered *before* the \maketitle command. This provides maximum control over the position and vertical spacing when printing the abstract information at different places, as required by different AMS publications---for example, in some publications the abstract may be required to fall between certain other elements in the beginning section of a document, or it may be postponed to the end of the document, or it might even be omitted entirely. If an abstract is entered after \maketitle, it will still be printed, but with a warning (and possibly in the wrong place or with wrong spacing). ---Treatment of the @ character. As the AMS document classes automatically load the amsmath package, all changes for amsmath 1.2 affect the AMS classes also. Note in particular that the @ character is no longer a special command prefix, so to produce a printed @ in an e-mail address you should now write simply @ instead of @@. ---The nonbreaking dash commands @-, @--, @--- are no longer available because @ as a special command prefix has disappeared. An alternative \nobreakdash command is provided in the amsmath package. ---Added "nomath" option. The AMS document classes now take an option nomath that suppresses the automatic loading of the amsmath package. This is sometimes helpful in converting a pre-existing document to AMS style if you only want to do a quick conversion without attempting to deal with any of the math. ---Theorem handling. Theorem setup is now handled by the amsthm package instead of the "theorem" package. \theorembodyfont, \theoremheaderfont, etc are not used any more. See amsldoc.tex and thmtest.tex for details. ---The old environments pf, pf* are superseded by a single proof environment. It takes an optional argument to specify an alternative heading text. If you are converting an older document to run with \documentclass instead of \documentstyle, here is how you could provide backward-compatible definitions for pf and pf*: \newenvironment{pf}{\proof[\proofname]}{\endproof} \newenvironment{pf*}[1]{\proof[#1]}{\endproof} ---\small now produces 9pt text; \tiny now produces 6pt text Formerly \small produced the same typesize as \footnotesize (8pt). Now they produce different sizes, normally 9 and 8 respectively. Also the range of typesize-changing commands is filled out to include, below \normalsize, the following: \small, \Small, \SMALL, \tiny, \Tiny. \footnotesize and \scriptsize are retained as synonyms of \Small and \SMALL respectively. As it stands \tiny no longer produces the same typesize as it did before (now 6 instead of 5), except in compatibility mode. This might affect some existing documents if they are updated to use \documentclass instead of \documentstyle. Similarly, \large now produces 11pt if the base size is 10pt, where formerly it produced 12pt. New commands \larger and \smaller are provided for changing the typesize relative to the current size. These commands take an optional integer argument to specify how many steps to go up or down: \larger[2] means go up two sizes, and \larger without an optional argument is the same as \larger[1]. The list of sizes is a standard progression of type sizes and associated linespacing values as defined by the documentclass. If you need finer control over type size or linespacing, consult the LaTeX documentation about the \fontsize command. ---Extra documentclass options 8pt, 9pt, 11pt, 12pt ---The \qed symbol is now an open square The \qed symbol is no longer a filled black square, but an open square, and it is positioned at the right margin, instead of at a fixed horizontal distance from the preceding text. If the \qed command is used inside a displayed equation, however, it will be placed at a fixed distance from the preceding material (correct placement in this case is limited by some technical difficulties). ---The command \rom was renamed to \upn. The command \rom, for making numbers and punctuation roman/upright in italic text, has been renamed \upn ``upright punctuation or number''. It will in most cases suffice to leave this refinement undone until a document is sent to a publisher for final typesetting, and furthermore, certain publications at the AMS now use special in-house italic fonts that have upright numbers and punctuation built in, making the use of \upn unnecessary even then. For general preprint-type use, this refinement is one that most users probably won't care to bother with.