XWAIS(1) User Commands XWAIS(1) NNNNAAAAMMMMEEEE xwais - X interface to the WAIS system SSSSYYYYNNNNOOOOPPPPSSSSIIIISSSS xxxxwwwwaaaaiiiissss [ standard X toolkit arguments ] DDDDEEEESSSSCCCCRRRRIIIIPPPPTTTTIIIIOOOONNNN xxxxwwwwaaaaiiiissss is a simple interface that allows the selection and modification of WAIS questions and sources. There are basically three kinds of windows you will see in Xwais: 1. the main Xwais window. 2. a number of Question windows. 3. a Source window. In the main Xwais window you'll see two lists - Questions and Sources. To open a question, select the question in the Question List and press the "Open" button in the Question frame. To create a new question, press the "New" button in the Question frame. Press "Help" in the resulting Question window for information on how to manipulate ques- tions. To add a new source, press the "New" button in the Source Frame. To edit an old source, press the "Open" button. To exit the application, click twice on the "Quit" button. This only closes the Xwais "shell". Questions must be closed explicitly. Remember, your window manager may be managing some of these windows, so if you click on a button and see no window, check to see if the window has actually been iconi- fied. FFFFIIIILLLLEEEESSSS Xwais application Default file. $(HOME)/wais-questions location of saved questions. $(HOME)/wais-sources location for personal sources. RRRREEEESSSSOOOOUUUURRRRCCCCEEEESSSS The following resources may be changed to modify the default behavior of the application. I recommend you look at the resource file Xwais to get a better idea of all the resources available. Xwais*questionDirectory: ~/wais-questions/ Xwais*userSourceDirectory: ~/wais-sources/ Xwais*commonSourceDirectory: /proj/wais/wais/wais-sources/ Thinking Machines Last change: Thu Feb 20 1992 1 XWAIS(1) User Commands XWAIS(1) BBBBUUUUGGGGSSSS xxxxwwwwaaaaiiiissss currently has a limit of twenty questions. It will arbitrarily trunctate the list to the first twenty files it sees. xxxxwwwwaaaaiiiissss does not sort the question or source lists. It really should. xxxxwwwwaaaaiiiissss is heavily dependant on it's resources. If it is unable to find the proper resource file, it will most likey become unusable. xxxxwwwwaaaaiiiissss has no limit to resizing, so if the window is resized too small, some buttons may be lost. SSSSEEEEEEEE AAAALLLLSSSSOOOO xwaisq(1), waisindex(1), waisserver(1) AAAAUUUUTTTTHHHHOOOORRRR Jonny Goldman Thinking Machines Last change: Thu Feb 20 1992 2