Document Identifiers or International Standard Book Numbers for the Electronic Age Brewster Kahle Thinking Machines 5/9/90 A document identifier, if implemented well, will allow a user to know if she has two references to the same document and provide an address to aid in retrieval. This brief paper will suggest and implementation of Document IDs (Doc-ID) for electronic publications that can be used with the Z39.50 standard. Further this paper will try to list a set of likely scenarios that will show how these IDs can be used. I would like this paper to be a starting point for discussion; I do not know the history of attempts on this, but would like to find a workable short-term solution to start the ball rolling. The simplest use of a Doc-ID is to receive it from a server as a response to a search, and then retrieve the document by passing it back to the server. The rough goals of the implementation of the Doc-ID structure are to be: 1) easy to create unique IDs for documents (without a central authority), 2) possible to retrieve the document using the ID (serve as an address), 3) allow users of the IDs to know the copyright intent of the publisher, 4) and be terse. The design I will suggest in this paper has a long form and a short form. I will describe the long form first and the show how it can be shortened. There are several fields to a Doc-ID, each an arbitrary length string except the last field: Original-server Original-database Original-local-ID Distributor-server ;;optional Distributor-database ;;optional Distributor-local-ID ;;optional Copyright-disposition Roughly, the "original" server/db/local-id triple is the original publisher of the document. This can be used to figure out if two documents are identical even if they have been retrieved through different distributors. The distributor server/db/local-id triple is a legitimate distributor of the document so that the original source does not have to be queried each time a user wants the document. The copyright-disposition field has one of three values: copy-without-restriction, all-rights-reserved, and distribution-restrictions-apply. More details are below. When the original server gives out a Doc-ID it does not have to supply a distributor triple since it would be redundant with the origin triple. In fact, the original server only has to give out the local-id and the copyright-disposition since the server and the database is known to the client. Short form from the original server is: Original-local-id and Copyright-disposition. The short form from a distributor is: Original-server, Original-database, Original-local-ID, Distributor-local-ID, and Copyright-disposition. The client will fill in the rest of the origin slot