IMPORTANT NOTE: 6.001 has now upgraded to running Version 7 of MIT Scheme. The version running on Athena is older, and out-of-date. 6.001 students can NOT use the Scheme on Athena, as it is not compatible with the version used in the class. The 6.001 staff does not support the use of Athena for coursework, and has no plans for future support. Students are asked to use the 6.001 "Snake" lab for their work. ---------------------------------------- To run the older "Chipmunk" program: Athena computers run a different version of Scheme than do the Chipmunk computers in the 6.001 lab. However, there is a compatibility program that will make Scheme on Athena work close enough to Chipmunk Scheme so that problem sets will work. To run the compatibility program, type attach 6.001 scheme Next, start Emacs (see Athena's "Essential Emacs") and type M-x load-file /mit/6.001/chipmunk.el M-x run-scheme Wait until you see the "Student (6.001) 14.1" phrase. Now you can load the 6.001 problem set code; see the README file in the appropriate problem set directory. In general, all of the files that need to be loaded into scheme for a particular problem set will be defined in the file "ps#-load.scm". An answer file which may contain incomplete program segments maybe found in the file "ps#-answer.scm", where # is the problem set number. It may be useful to split the emacs screen into two windows with the command C-x 2 so that one window will contain the interactive scheme process and the other your answer file. You can also split the emacs window into two buffers VERTICALLY by using the command C-x 5. You may send the entire answer buffer to be evaluated by scheme by using the command M-O, or you may execute individual statement in the scheme buffer with the command C-x C-e. Also, in the scheme buffer, C-c C-x aborts the evaluation of a statement. C-c C-c halts the scheme program currently running. For more scheme key binding definitions in emacs, type C-h m. Refer to Athena's "Essential Scheme" for information on using Scheme under Emacs or look under "Programing on Athena" and "Scheme on Athena" headings in this program. You can also type: attach 6.001 more /mit/6.001/README.using-athena