Athena supports two different versions of 6.003 scheme. They are: - the 6.003 scheme - the 6.003 with the Signal Handling Environment (SHE) To use 6.001 Scheme on athena you must be on a VAX. Then you must: attach scheme.old To run scheme at the athena prompt type: /mit/scheme/vaxbin/ where is one of: scm6003 she6003 To run scheme from emacs you must first load the interface libraries, as follows: M-x load-file /mit/scheme/dist/etc/scheme.el M-x load-file /mit/scheme/dist/etc/xscheme.el Then to run scm6003: C-u M-x run-scheme /mit/scheme/vaxbin/scm6003-em To use she6003 in emacs, and get it to do the right thing with the mode line you must use: C-u M-x run-scheme /mit/scheme/6003/scm6003 -emacs -band /mit/scheme/6003/she6003.bin \ -utab /mit/scheme/6003/utabmd.bin To evaluate an expression inside emacs use: C-x C-e To abort execution or return to the top level REPL from a error level use: C-c g For more information on how to use scheme inside emacs type (in the *scheme* buffer): C-h m For more information on the scheme language look in: /mit/scheme/dist/documentation/*.txt To reset the scheme process if it gets into a really bizarre state use: M-x reset-scheme