There are four varieties of Scheme available on Athena at the moment. Program Description Scheme 7.0 This is the standard scheme used by the MIT scheme locker: development group. It abides by the standards of scheme-7.0 scheme as set forth in the "Revised Revised Revised Report on Scheme" otherwise known as R3RS (the latex source for this document can be found in /mit/scheme-7.0/dist/documentation/r3rs/) and includes many more features that are standard to MIT CScheme. Among major features of this version are a vax native code compiler and an X window interface package. It is available on VAXen, RT's and DECStations. THIS IS THE SCHEME OF CHOICE FOR GENERAL USE. 6.001 Scheme This Scheme is based on Version 7.0 Scheme with locker: a special band loaded for 6.001 Scheme compatibility. scheme-7.0 The compatibility package is more up to date than the version in the scheme locker, and includes graphics. THIS PACKAGES HAS NOT BEEN FULLY TESTED, IT MAY CONTAIN UNKNOWN BUGS. Scheme 6.1 This is the old standard scheme. It abides by the locker: standards of scheme as set forth in the "Revised scheme Revised Revised Report on Scheme" otherwise known as R3RS (the latex source for this document can be found in /mit/scheme/dist/documentation/r3rs/) and includes many more features that are standard to MIT CScheme. This version is only available on VAXen. THIS SCHEME IS OUT OF DATE AND SHOULD NOT BE USED. scm6001 (6.1) This scheme is meant to be compatible with the scheme locker: used in teaching 6.001, but it is out of date. It is scheme not R3RS compatible. It is based on the Version 6.1 of Scheme and only available on VAXen. scm6003 This scheme is a carbon copy of the scheme as used in locker: 6.003 for the first half of the term (Spring '88). It scheme does not include the Signal Handling Environment (SHE). This scheme includes the Complex Numbers package and other number handling procedures that can be very useful at times. This package also includes a X version of the HP Starbase graphics package. This was last updated in Fall of '88 so any changes to the 6.003 system after that are not in this scheme. This implementation is based on Version 6.1 of Scheme and is only available on VAXen. she6003 This is the 6.003 scheme with the SHE package. It locker: was last updated in Spring '88. It also contains scheme the Starbase graphics package. This is actually just the same as scm6003 with a different band loaded. This also is based on Version 6.1 of Scheme and is only available on VAXen.