FreeWRL/FreeX3D  3.0.0
2 /****************************************************************************
3  This file is part of the FreeWRL/FreeX3D Distribution.
5  Copyright 2009 CRC Canada. (
7  FreeWRL/FreeX3D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
9  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10  (at your option) any later version.
12  FreeWRL/FreeX3D is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  GNU General Public License for more details.
17  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  along with FreeWRL/FreeX3D. If not, see <>.
19 ****************************************************************************/
22 /*******************************************************************
24  X3D Interpolation Component
26 *********************************************************************/
29 #include <config.h>
30 #include <system.h>
31 #include <display.h>
32 #include <internal.h>
34 #include <libFreeWRL.h>
35 #include <list.h>
37 #include "../vrml_parser/Structs.h"
38 #include "../input/InputFunctions.h"
39 #include "../opengl/LoadTextures.h" /* for finding a texture url in a multi url */
42 #include "../main/headers.h"
43 #include "../opengl/OpenGL_Utils.h"
44 #include "../scenegraph/RenderFuncs.h"
46 #include "../x3d_parser/Bindable.h"
47 #include "../scenegraph/LinearAlgebra.h"
48 #include "../scenegraph/Collision.h"
49 #include "../scenegraph/quaternion.h"
50 #include "../scenegraph/sounds.h"
51 #include "../vrml_parser/CRoutes.h"
52 #include "../opengl/OpenGL_Utils.h"
53 #include "../opengl/Textures.h" /* for finding a texture url in a multi url */
55 #include "../input/SensInterps.h"
57 //defined in Component_RigidBodyPhysics
58 int NNC0(struct X3D_Node* node);
59 void MNC0(struct X3D_Node* node);
60 void MNX0(struct X3D_Node* node);
61 #define NNC(A) NNC0(X3D_NODE(A)) //node needs compiling
62 #define MNC(A) MNC0(X3D_NODE(A)) //mark node compiled
63 // #define MNX(A) MNX0(X3D_NODE(A)) //mark node changed
64 // #define PPX(A) getTypeNode(X3D_NODE(A)) //possible proto expansion
66 //
67 // see also SenseInterps.c for other interpolator componenent implementations
69 void do_EaseInEaseOut(void *node){
70  //
72  /* ScalarInterpolator - store final value in px->value_changed */
73  struct X3D_EaseInEaseOut *px;
74  int kin, ispan; //kvin,
75  //float *kVs;
76  //int counter;
77  float fraction, u, eout, ein, S;
80  if (!node) return;
81  px = (struct X3D_EaseInEaseOut *) node;
82  kin = px->key.n;
84  MARK_EVENT (node, offsetof (struct X3D_EaseInEaseOut, modifiedFraction_changed));
86  fraction = min(px->set_fraction,px->key.p[kin-1]);
87  fraction = max(px->set_fraction,px->key.p[0]);
88  /* have to go through and find the key before */
89  ispan =find_key(kin,fraction,px->key.p);
90  u = (fraction - px->key.p[ispan-1]) / (px->key.p[ispan] - px->key.p[ispan-1]);
91  eout = px->easeInEaseOut.p[ispan].c[1]; //y
92  ein = px->easeInEaseOut.p[ispan+1].c[0]; //x
93  S = eout + ein;
95  if(S < 0.0f){
96  px->modifiedFraction_changed = u;
97  }else{
98  float t;
99  if(S > 1.0f){
100  ein /= S;
101  eout /= S;
102  }
103  t = 1.0f / (2.0f - eout - ein);
104  if(u < eout){
105  px->modifiedFraction_changed = (t/eout) * u*u;
106  }else if(u < 1.0f - ein){
107  px->modifiedFraction_changed = (t*(2*u - eout));
108  }else{
109  px->modifiedFraction_changed = 1.0f - (t*(1.0f - u)*(1.0f - u))/ein;
110  }
111  }
114 }
116 /*
117  Splines via Hermite
120  - you give it a slope and position at each end, and a 0-1 t
121  - you can compute for xyz by doing 3 separate scalar interpolations one for each coordinate
122  - or to save FLOPS (floating point ops) you can do a template algo like we did for Followers
124  if linear interp looks like this:
125  fraction s = fraction_interp(t,t0,t1);
126  answer = linear_interp(s,key0,val0,key1,val1)
128  Then spline interp would look like this:
129  fraction s = fraction_interp(t,t0,t1);
130  answer = spline_interp(s,key0,val0,vel0,key1,val1,vel1)
131  - where vel is velocity or more generally slope/first-derivitive of value at key.
132  -- and first derivitive would be with respect to key ie d(Value)/d(key) evaluated at key
133  -- and according to specs you calculate defaults if user doesn't supply
134  - and in general {answer, val*, vel*} are vectors or types ie SFVec3f, SFRotation, SFfloat
136 */
137 static void spline_interp(int dim, float *result, float s, float *val0, float *val1, float *T00, float *T11){
138  // dim - dimension of val and vel ie 3 for xyz
139  // s - span fraction 0-1
140  // interpolates one value, given the span values
141  float S[4], *C[4], SH[4];
142  int i,j;
143  static float H[16] = {
144  2.0f, -3.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
145  -2.0f, 3.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
146  1.0f, -2.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
147  1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
150  S[0] = s*s*s;
151  S[1] = s*s;
152  S[2] = s;
153  S[3] = 1.0f;
154  vecmultmat4f(SH,S,H);
156  C[0] = val0; //vi
157  C[1] = val1; //vi+1
158  C[2] = T00; //T0i
159  C[3] = T11; //T1i+1
161  for(i=0;i<dim;i++){
162  result[i] = 0.0f;
163  for(j=0;j<4;j++){
164  result[i] += SH[j]*C[j][i];
165  }
166  }
167 }
169 //for xyz dim =3, for xy dim=2 for scalar dim=1
170 static void compute_spline_velocity_Ti(int dim, int normalize, int nval, float *val, int nvel, float* vel, float *Ti ){
171  //please malloc Ti = malloc(nval*dim*sizeof(float)) before calling
172  if(nvel && vel && nvel == nval){
173  if(!normalize){
174  //If the velocity vector is specified, and the normalizeVelocity flag has value FALSE,
175  //the velocity at the key is set to the corresponding value of the keyVelocity field:
176  //Ti = keyVelocity[ i ]
177  memcpy(Ti,vel,dim*nval*sizeof(float));
178  }else{
179  //If the velocity vector is specified, and the normalizeVelocity flag is TRUE,
180  // the velocity at the key is set using the corresponding value of the keyVelocity field:
181  //Ti = keyVelocity[i] × ( Dtot / |keyVelocity[i]| )
182  int i;
183  //Dtot = SUM{i=0, i < n-1}(|vi - vi+1|)
184  float Dtot = 0.0f;
185  for(i=0;i<nval-1;i++){
186  float Di = 0.0f;
187  int j;
188  for(j=0;j<dim;j++){
189  Di += (val[i+1] - val[i])*(val[i+1] - val[i]); //euclidean distance d= sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
190  }
191  Dtot += (float)sqrt(Di);
192  }
193  for(i=0;i<nval;i++){
194  int j;
195  float veli = 0.0f;
196  for(j=0;j<dim;j++)
197  veli = veli + (vel[i*dim + j]*vel[i*dim + j]); //euclidean distance d= sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
198  veli = (float)sqrt(veli);
199  for(j=0;j<dim;j++){
200  if(veli != 0.0f)
201  Ti[i*dim + j] = Dtot * vel[i*dim + j] / veli;
202  else
203  Ti[i*dim + j] = 0.0f;
204  }
205  }
206  }
207  }else{
208  //If the velocity vector is not specified, (or just start & end,) it is calculated as follows:
209  //Ti = (vi+1 - vi-1) / 2
210  int i;
211  if(nvel == 2){
212  int j;
213  for(j=0;j<dim;j++){
214  Ti[ 0*dim + j] = vel[0*dim + j];
215  Ti[(nval-1)*dim + j] = vel[1*dim + j];
216  }
218  }else{
219  int j;
220  for(j=0;j<dim;j++){
221  Ti[ 0*dim + j] = 0.0f;
222  Ti[(nval-1)*dim + j] = 0.0f;
223  }
224  }
225  //skip start and end vels here
226  for(i=1;i<nval-1;i++){
227  int j;
228  for(j=0;j<dim;j++)
229  Ti[i*dim + j] = (val[(i+1)*dim +j] - val[(i-1)*dim +j]) * .5f;
230  }
231  }
232 }
234 static int iwrap(int i, int istart, int iend){
235  //if they don't duplicate - the last point != first point - then iend = n
236  //if they duplicate last point == first point, then iend = n-1
237  // normally istart = 0, iend = n
238  // 6 = iwrap(-1,0,7)
239  // 0 = iwrap(7,0,7)
240  int iret = i;
241  if(iret < istart) iret = iend - (istart - iret);
242  if(iret >= iend ) iret = istart + (iret - iend);
243  return iret;
244 }
245 static void spline_velocity_adjust_for_keyspan(int dim, int closed, int nval, float *key, float *Ti, float* T0, float *T1){
246  //before calling please malloc T0 and T1 = malloc(nval * dim * sizeof(float))
247  float Fp, Fm;
248  int istart, iend, jend,i,j;
249  istart = 1;
250  iend = nval-1;
251  jend = nval;
252  if(closed){
253  istart = 0;
254  iend = nval;
255  jend = nval-1; //the first and last point are duplicates, so when wrapping, skip the last
256  }else{
257  //take first and last values from Ti which were either 0 or start/end
258  int l = nval-1;
259  for(j=0;j<dim;j++){
260  T1[0*dim +j] = T0[0*dim +j] = Ti[0*dim +j];
261  T1[l*dim +j] = T0[l*dim +j] = Ti[l*dim +j];
262  }
263  }
264  for(i=istart;i<iend;i++){
265  int ip, im;
266  ip = iwrap(i+1,0,jend);
267  im = iwrap(i-1,0,jend);
268  Fm = 2.0f*(key[ip] - key[i])/(key[ip]-key[im]);
269  Fp = 2.0f*(key[i] - key[im])/(key[ip]-key[im]);
270  for(j=0;j<dim;j++){
271  T0[i*dim +j] = Fp*Ti[i*dim +j];
272  T1[i*dim +j] = Fm*Ti[i*dim +j];
273  }
274  }
275 }
277 static float span_fraction(float t, float t0, float t1){
278  float ret;
279  ret = (t - t0) /(t1 - t0);
280  return ret;
281 }
283 void do_SplinePositionInterpolator(void *node){
284  //
285  int dim;
286  int kin, kvin;
287  int ispan; //counter,
288  float fraction, sfraction;
291  dim = 3;
292  if(NNC(px)){
294  //void compute_spline_velocity_Ti(int dim, int normalize, int nval, float *val, int nvel, float* vel, float *Ti )
295  int isclosed,n;
296  float *Ti, *T0, *T1;
297  n = px->key.n;
298  Ti = MALLOC(float*,n*dim*sizeof(float));
299  compute_spline_velocity_Ti(dim,px->normalizeVelocity,n,(float*)px->keyValue.p,
300  px->keyVelocity.n,(float*)px->keyVelocity.p,Ti);
301  T0 = MALLOC(float*,n*dim*sizeof(float));
302  T1 = MALLOC(float*,n*dim*sizeof(float));
303  //spline_velocity_adjust_for_keyspan(int dim, int closed, int nval, float *key, float *Ti, float* T0, float *T1)
304  isclosed = px->closed && vecsame3f(px->keyValue.p[0].c,px->keyValue.p[n-1].c);
305  spline_velocity_adjust_for_keyspan(dim,isclosed,n,px->key.p,Ti,T0,T1);
306  FREE_IF_NZ(px->_T0.p);
307  FREE_IF_NZ(px->_T1.p);
308  px->_T0.p = (struct SFVec3f*)T0;
309  px->_T0.n = n;
310  px->_T1.p = (struct SFVec3f*)T1;
311  px->_T1.n = n;
312  FREE_IF_NZ(Ti);
314  MNC(px);
315  }
316  //void spline_interp(int dim, float *result, float s, float *val0, float *val1, float *T00, float *T11)
318  if (!node) return;
319  kin = px->key.n;
320  kvin = px->keyValue.n;
322  MARK_EVENT (node, offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator, value_changed));
324  /* make sure we have the keys and keyValues */
325  if ((kvin == 0) || (kin == 0)) {
326  vecset3f(px->value_changed.c,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
327  return;
328  }
329  if (kin>kvin) kin=kvin; /* means we don't use whole of keyValue, but... */
331  #ifdef SEVERBOSE
332  printf ("ScalarInterpolator, kin %d kvin %d, vc %f\n",kin,kvin,px->value_changed);
333  #endif
335  /* set_fraction less than or greater than keys */
336  fraction = min(px->set_fraction,px->key.p[kin-1]);
337  fraction = max(px->set_fraction,px->key.p[0]);
338  /* have to go through and find the key before */
339  ispan =find_key(kin,fraction,px->key.p) -1;
341  // INTERPOLATION FUNCTION - change this from linear to spline
342  // fraction s = fraction_interp(t,t0,t1);
343  // answer = linear_interp(s,key0,val0,key1,val1)
344  // answer = spline_interp(s,key0,val0,vel0,key1,val1,vel1)
345  // where vel is velocity or more generally slope/first-derivitive of value at key.
346  // First derivitive would be with respect to key ie d(Value)/d(key) evaluated at key
347  // in general answer, val*, vel* are vectors or types.
348  sfraction = span_fraction(fraction,px->key.p[ispan],px->key.p[ispan+1]);
349  spline_interp(dim, px->value_changed.c, sfraction,
350  px->keyValue.p[ispan].c, px->keyValue.p[ispan+1].c,
351  px->_T0.p[ispan].c, px->_T1.p[ispan+1].c);
352 }
354 void do_SplinePositionInterpolator2D(void *node){
355  int dim;
356  int kin, kvin;
357  int ispan; //counter,
358  float fraction,sfraction;
361  dim = 2;
362  if(NNC(px)){
364  //void compute_spline_velocity_Ti(int dim, int normalize, int nval, float *val, int nvel, float* vel, float *Ti )
365  int isclosed,n;
366  float *Ti,*T0,*T1;
367  n = px->key.n;
368  Ti = MALLOC(float*,n*dim*sizeof(float));
369  compute_spline_velocity_Ti(dim,px->normalizeVelocity,n,(float*)px->keyValue.p,
370  px->keyVelocity.n,(float*)px->keyVelocity.p,Ti);
371  T0 = MALLOC(float*,n*dim*sizeof(float));
372  T1 = MALLOC(float*,n*dim*sizeof(float));
373  //spline_velocity_adjust_for_keyspan(int dim, int closed, int nval, float *key, float *Ti, float* T0, float *T1)
374  isclosed = px->closed && vecsame2f(px->keyValue.p[0].c,px->keyValue.p[n-1].c);
375  spline_velocity_adjust_for_keyspan(dim,isclosed,n,px->key.p,Ti,T0,T1);
376  FREE_IF_NZ(px->_T0.p);
377  FREE_IF_NZ(px->_T1.p);
378  px->_T0.p = (struct SFVec2f*)T0;
379  px->_T0.n = n;
380  px->_T1.p = (struct SFVec2f*)T1;
381  px->_T1.n = n;
382  FREE_IF_NZ(Ti);
384  MNC(px);
385  }
386  //void spline_interp(int dim, float *result, float s, float *val0, float *val1, float *T00, float *T11)
388  if (!node) return;
389  kin = px->key.n;
390  kvin = px->keyValue.n;
392  MARK_EVENT (node, offsetof (struct X3D_SplinePositionInterpolator2D, value_changed));
394  /* make sure we have the keys and keyValues */
395  if ((kvin == 0) || (kin == 0)) {
396  vecset2f(px->value_changed.c,0.0f,0.0f);
397  return;
398  }
399  if (kin>kvin) kin=kvin; /* means we don't use whole of keyValue, but... */
401  #ifdef SEVERBOSE
402  printf ("ScalarInterpolator, kin %d kvin %d, vc %f\n",kin,kvin,px->value_changed);
403  #endif
405  /* set_fraction less than or greater than keys */
406  fraction = min(px->set_fraction,px->key.p[kin-1]);
407  fraction = max(px->set_fraction,px->key.p[0]);
408  /* have to go through and find the key before */
409  ispan =find_key(kin,fraction,px->key.p) -1;
411  // INTERPOLATION FUNCTION - change this from linear to spline
412  // fraction s = fraction_interp(t,t0,t1);
413  // answer = linear_interp(s,key0,val0,key1,val1)
414  // answer = spline_interp(s,key0,val0,vel0,key1,val1,vel1)
415  // where vel is velocity or more generally slope/first-derivitive of value at key.
416  // First derivitive would be with respect to key ie d(Value)/d(key) evaluated at key
417  // in general answer, val*, vel* are vectors or types.
418  sfraction = span_fraction(fraction,px->key.p[ispan],px->key.p[ispan+1]);
419  spline_interp(dim, px->value_changed.c, sfraction,
420  px->keyValue.p[ispan].c, px->keyValue.p[ispan+1].c,
421  px->_T0.p[ispan].c, px->_T1.p[ispan+1].c);
423 }
425 void do_SplineScalarInterpolator(void *node){
426  // SplineScalarInterpolator - store final value in px->value_changed
427  // - body of function copied from ScalarInterpolator and node cast to SplineScalarInterpolator
428  int dim;
429  int kin, kvin;
430  int ispan; //counter,
431  float fraction, sfraction;
434  dim = 1;
435  if(NNC(px)){
437  //void compute_spline_velocity_Ti(int dim, int normalize, int nval, float *val, int nvel, float* vel, float *Ti )
438  int isclosed, i, n;
439  float *Ti,*T0,*T1;
441  n = px->key.n;
442  Ti = MALLOC(float*,n*dim*sizeof(float));
443  compute_spline_velocity_Ti(dim,px->normalizeVelocity,n,(float*)px->keyValue.p,
444  px->keyVelocity.n,(float*)px->keyVelocity.p,Ti);
445  printf("\nvelocities\n");
446  for(i=0;i<n;i++)
447  printf("%f ",Ti[i]);
448  printf("\n");
449  T0 = MALLOC(float*,n*dim*sizeof(float));
450  T1 = MALLOC(float*,n*dim*sizeof(float));
451  //spline_velocity_adjust_for_keyspan(int dim, int closed, int nval, float *key, float *Ti, float* T0, float *T1)
452  isclosed = px->closed && px->keyValue.p[0] == px->keyValue.p[n-1];
453  spline_velocity_adjust_for_keyspan(1,isclosed,n,px->key.p,Ti,T0,T1);
454  for(i=0;i<n;i++)
455  printf("%f ",Ti[i]);
456  printf("\n");
457  FREE_IF_NZ(px->_T0.p);
458  FREE_IF_NZ(px->_T1.p);
459  px->_T0.p = T0;
460  px->_T0.n = n;
461  px->_T1.p = T1;
462  px->_T1.n = n;
463  FREE_IF_NZ(Ti);
465  MNC(px);
466  }
467  //void spline_interp(int dim, float *result, float s, float *val0, float *val1, float *T00, float *T11)
469  if (!node) return;
470  kin = px->key.n;
471  kvin = px->keyValue.n;
473  MARK_EVENT (node, offsetof (struct X3D_SplineScalarInterpolator, value_changed));
475  /* make sure we have the keys and keyValues */
476  if ((kvin == 0) || (kin == 0)) {
477  px->value_changed = 0.0;
478  return;
479  }
480  if (kin>kvin) kin=kvin; /* means we don't use whole of keyValue, but... */
482  #ifdef SEVERBOSE
483  printf ("ScalarInterpolator, kin %d kvin %d, vc %f\n",kin,kvin,px->value_changed);
484  #endif
486  /* set_fraction less than or greater than keys */
487  fraction = min(px->set_fraction,px->key.p[kin-1]);
488  fraction = max(px->set_fraction,px->key.p[0]);
489  /* have to go through and find the key before */
490  ispan =find_key(kin,fraction,px->key.p) -1;
492  // INTERPOLATION FUNCTION - change this from linear to spline
493  // fraction s = fraction_interp(t,t0,t1);
494  // answer = linear_interp(s,key0,val0,key1,val1)
495  // answer = spline_interp(s,key0,val0,vel0,key1,val1,vel1)
496  // where vel is velocity or more generally slope/first-derivitive of value at key.
497  // First derivitive would be with respect to key ie d(Value)/d(key) evaluated at key
498  // in general answer, val*, vel* are vectors or types.
499  sfraction = span_fraction(fraction,px->key.p[ispan],px->key.p[ispan+1]);
500  spline_interp(dim, (float*)&px->value_changed, sfraction,
501  &px->keyValue.p[ispan], &px->keyValue.p[ispan+1],
502  &px->_T0.p[ispan], &px->_T1.p[ispan+1]);
504 }
507 // START MIT LIC >>>>
509 static double *quaternion2double(double *xyzw, const Quaternion *q){
510  xyzw[0] = q->x;
511  xyzw[1] = q->y;
512  xyzw[2] = q->z;
513  xyzw[3] = q->w;
514  return xyzw;
515 }
516 static Quaternion *double2quaternion(Quaternion *q, const double* xyzw){
517  q->x = xyzw[0];
518  q->y = xyzw[1];
519  q->z = xyzw[2];
520  q->w = xyzw[3];
521  return q;
522 }
523 static void quaternion_addition(Quaternion *ret, const Quaternion *q1, const Quaternion *q2){
524  //the quaternion_add in Quanternions.c seems too complicated.
525  // supposed to be q+q' = [s+s',v+v']
526  double xyzw1[4],xyzw2[4],xyzw[4];
527  quaternion2double(xyzw1,q1);
528  quaternion2double(xyzw2,q2);
529  vecaddd(xyzw,xyzw1,xyzw2);
530  xyzw[3] = xyzw1[3] + xyzw2[3];
531  double2quaternion(ret,xyzw);
532 }
533 static void quaternion_subtraction(Quaternion *ret, const Quaternion *q1, const Quaternion *q2){
534  // supposed to be q-q' = [s-s',v-v']
535  double xyzw1[4],xyzw2[4],xyzw[4];
536  quaternion2double(xyzw1,q1);
537  quaternion2double(xyzw2,q2);
538  vecdifd(xyzw,xyzw1,xyzw2);
539  xyzw[3] = xyzw1[3] - xyzw2[3];
540  double2quaternion(ret,xyzw);
541 }
542 static double fwclampd(const double val, const double low, const double hi){
543  double ret = val;
544  ret = min(ret,hi);
545  ret = max(ret,low);
546  return ret;
547 }
548 static double quaternion_dot(const Quaternion *q1, const Quaternion *q2){
549  double xyzw1[4], xyzw2[4], dot;
550  int i;
551  quaternion2double(xyzw1,q1);
552  quaternion2double(xyzw2,q1);
553  dot = 0.0;
554  for(i=0;i<4;i++)
555  dot += xyzw1[i]*xyzw2[i];
556  return dot;
557 }
558 static void quaternion_negate(Quaternion *q){
559  int i;
560  double xyzw[4];
561  quaternion2double(xyzw,q);
562  for(i=0;i<4;i++)
563  xyzw[i] = -xyzw[i];
564  double2quaternion(q,xyzw);
565 }
566 static void quaternion_log(Quaternion *ret, const Quaternion *q){
567  double angle, angle_over_sine, xyzw[4];
569  quaternion2double(xyzw,q);
570  angle = acos( fwclampd(xyzw[3],-1.0,1.0));
571  angle_over_sine = 0.0;
572  if(angle != 0.0) angle_over_sine = angle/sin(angle);
573  vecscaled(xyzw,xyzw,angle_over_sine);
574  xyzw[3]=0.0;
575  double2quaternion(ret,xyzw);
576 }
577 static void quaternion_exp(Quaternion *ret, const Quaternion *q){
578  double angle, xyzw[4], sine_over_angle;
580  quaternion2double(xyzw,q);
581  angle = veclengthd(xyzw);
582  sine_over_angle = 0.0;
583  if(angle != 0.0) sine_over_angle = sin(angle) / angle;
584  vecscaled(xyzw,xyzw,sine_over_angle);
585  xyzw[3] = cos(angle);
586  double2quaternion(ret,xyzw);
587 }
588 static void compute_si(Quaternion *si,Quaternion *qi, const Quaternion *qip1, const Quaternion *qim1){
589  //si is like the (quaternion-space) slope at point qi, or like a bezier tangent control point
590  //and is supposed to be the average from either side of (quaternion-space) point qi
591  //or more precisely, the 2 slopes / 1st derivitives are set equal
592  //
593  // si = qi * exp( - (log(inv(qi)*qi+1) + log(inv(qi)*qi-1)) / 4 )
594  // and qi+1 means q[i+1] and qi-1 means q[i-1] ie that's an indexer, not a quat + scalar
595  // p. 15 shows log(q) if q=[cost,sint*v] then
596  // log(q) = [0, t*v] (non-unit-sphere in quaternion space, not in H1)
597  // exp(q) = [cost, sint*v] (puts cos(t) back in scalar part, inverting log)
598  //
599  // p.10 "the logarithm of a unit quaternion q = [vˆ sin O, cos O] is just vˆO, a pure vector of length O."
601  Quaternion qiinv, qiinv_qip1, qiinv_qim1,qadded,qexp;
602  double xyzw[4];
604  quaternion_inverse(&qiinv,qi);
605  quaternion_multiply(&qiinv_qip1,&qiinv,qip1);
607  quaternion_log(&qiinv_qip1,&qiinv_qip1);
608  quaternion_multiply(&qiinv_qim1,&qiinv,qim1);
609  quaternion_log(&qiinv_qim1,&qiinv_qim1);
611  quaternion_addition(&qadded,&qiinv_qip1,&qiinv_qim1); //don't normalize - its still a log, which aren't H1
612  quaternion2double(xyzw,&qadded);
613  vecscaled(xyzw,xyzw,-.25); // -ve and /4
614  xyzw[3] *= -.25; //I think this will still be 0 after adding 2 logs
616  //compute exp
617  double2quaternion(&qexp,xyzw);
618  quaternion_exp(&qexp,&qexp);
620  //quaternion_normalize(&qexp); //can normalize now, back to H1
621  quaternion_multiply(si,qi,&qexp);
623 }
625 static void debug_SquadOrientationInterpolator(struct X3D_SquadOrientationInterpolator *px){
626  //just a mess of crap, plus: normalization of axisangle axis
627  // qinterp = Squad(qi, qi+1,si,si+1,h) = Slerp( Slerp(qi,qi+1,h), Slerp(si,si+1,h), 2h(1-h))
628  //in theory, the vrmlrot_to_quaternion and compute_si can be done in a compile_squadorientationinterpolator step
629  //and the si and quats for each keyvalue cached
630  Quaternion qi,qip1,qip2,qim1,si,sip1;
631  int ip1, ip2, im1, kin, iend,i;
632  struct SFRotation *kVs = px->keyValue.p;
633  static int once_debug = 0;
634  if(once_debug != 0) return;
635  once_debug = 1;
636  kin = px->key.n;
638  //for wrap-around if closed, adjust the wrap around end value based on
639  //whether the scene author duplicated the first keyvalue in the last.
640  iend = kin;
641  if(vecsame4f(px->keyValue.p[0].c,px->keyValue.p[kin-1].c)) iend = kin -1;
643  //there are 1 fewer spans than key/values
644  //we'll iterate over key/values here
645  printf("Si:\n");
646  for(i=0;i<kin;i++){
647  float axislength;
648  if(1) printf("%d ri [%f %f %f, %f]\n",i,kVs[i].c[0], kVs[i].c[1], kVs[i].c[2], kVs[i].c[3]);
649  axislength = veclength3f(kVs[i].c);
650  if(axislength != 0.0f)
651  vecscale3f(kVs[i].c,kVs[i].c,1.0f/axislength);
652  if(1) printf("%d ri [%f %f %f, %f]\n",i,kVs[i].c[0], kVs[i].c[1], kVs[i].c[2], kVs[i].c[3]);
654  vrmlrot_to_quaternion (&qi, kVs[i].c[0], kVs[i].c[1], kVs[i].c[2], kVs[i].c[3]);
655  ip1 = i+1;
656  ip1 = px->closed ? iwrap(ip1,0,iend) : min(max(ip1,0),kin-2);
657  vrmlrot_to_quaternion (&qip1, kVs[ip1].c[0],kVs[ip1].c[1], kVs[ip1].c[2], kVs[ip1].c[3]);
658  if(0){
659  ip2 =i+2;
660  ip2 = px->closed ? iwrap(ip2,0,iend) : min(max(ip2,0),kin-1);
661  vrmlrot_to_quaternion (&qip2, kVs[ip2].c[0],kVs[ip2].c[1], kVs[ip2].c[2], kVs[ip2].c[3]);
662  }
663  im1 = i-1;
664  im1 = px->closed ? iwrap(im1,0,iend) : min(max(im1,0),kin-3);
665  vrmlrot_to_quaternion (&qim1, kVs[im1].c[0],kVs[im1].c[1], kVs[im1].c[2], kVs[im1].c[3]);
666  //si
667  compute_si(&si,&qi, &qip1, &qim1);
668  if(0){
669  compute_si(&sip1,&qip1,&qip2,&qi);
670  printf("%d qi [%lf, %lf %lf %lf]\n",i,qi.w,qi.x,qi.y,qi.z);
671  printf("%d qi+1 [%lf, %lf %lf %lf]\n",i,qip1.w,qip1.x,qip1.y,qip1.z);
672  printf("%d si [%lf, %lf %lf %lf]\n",i,si.w,si.x,si.y,si.z);
673  printf("%d si+1 [%lf, %lf %lf %lf]\n",i,sip1.w,sip1.x,sip1.y,sip1.z);
674  }else{
675  double xyza[4];
676  quaternion_to_vrmlrot(&si,&xyza[0],&xyza[1],&xyza[2],&xyza[3] );
677  //printf("%lf %lf %lf %lf, \n",xyza[0],xyza[1],xyza[2],xyza[3]);
678  }
681  }
682  printf("\n");
683 }
685 static void quaternion_lerp(Quaternion *ret, const Quaternion *q1, const Quaternion *q2, const double t){
686  Quaternion t1, t2;
687  t1 = *q1;
688  t2 = *q2;
689  quaternion_scalar_multiply(&t2,t);
690  quaternion_scalar_multiply(&t1,1.0 -t);
691  quaternion_addition(ret,&t1,&t2);
692 }
693 static void quaternion_slerp2(Quaternion *ret, const Quaternion *q1, const Quaternion *q2, const double t){
694  double dot, dn1,dn2;
695  Quaternion r;
697  dn1 = quaternion_norm(q1);
698  dn2 = quaternion_norm(q2);
699  dot = quaternion_dot(q1,q2);
700  if(dn1 != 0.0 && dn2 != 0.0) dot = dot /(dn1*dn2); //no improvement to round-the-world or kinks
701  r = *q2;
702  if(dot < 0.0){
703  dot = -dot;
704  quaternion_negate(&r);
705  }
706  if(1.0 - dot < .001){
707  quaternion_lerp(ret,q1,&r,t);
708  }else{
709  Quaternion t1, t2;
710  double angle = acos(dot);
711  t1 = *q1;
712  t2 = r;
713  quaternion_scalar_multiply(&t1,sin((1.0-t)*angle));
714  quaternion_scalar_multiply(&t2,sin(t*angle));
715  quaternion_addition(ret,&t1,&t2);
716  // if(ret->w < 0.0) quaternion_negate(ret); //CQRlib Hlerp quirk - no improvement to round-the-world or kinks
717  quaternion_scalar_multiply(ret,1.0/sin(angle));
718  }
720 }
722 static void quaternion_squad_prepare(Quaternion *qim1,Quaternion *qi,Quaternion *qip1,Quaternion *qip2,
723  Quaternion *s1,Quaternion *s2,Quaternion *qc){
724  Quaternion qp,qm, q0,q1,q2,q3;
725  q0 = *qim1;
726  q1 = *qi;
727  q2 = *qip1;
728  q3 = *qip2;
730  //microsoft directx squad does something like this before computing si,
731  //to avoid round-the-world problems
732  //q0 = |q0 + q1| < |q0 - q1| ? -q0 : q0
733  //q2 = |q1 + q2| < |q1 - q2| ? -q2 : q2
734  //q3 = |q2 + q3| < |q2 - q3| ? -q3 : q3
735  quaternion_addition(&qp,&q0,&q1);
736  quaternion_subtraction(&qm,&q0,&q1);
737  if( quaternion_norm(&qp) < quaternion_norm(&qm) ) quaternion_negate(&q0);
738  quaternion_addition(&qp,&q1,&q2);
739  quaternion_subtraction(&qm,&q1,&q2);
740  if( quaternion_norm(&qp) < quaternion_norm(&qm) ) quaternion_negate(&q2);
741  quaternion_addition(&qp,&q2,&q3);
742  quaternion_subtraction(&qm,&q2,&q3);
743  if( quaternion_norm(&qp) < quaternion_norm(&qm) ) quaternion_negate(&q3);
745  compute_si(s1,&q1,&q2,&q0);
746  compute_si(s2,&q2,&q3,&q1);
747  *qc = q2; //qip1 could have changed sign, use the sign-changed version in squad slerping
749 }
750 static void quaternion_squad(Quaternion *final,Quaternion *q1,Quaternion *q2, Quaternion *s1,Quaternion *s2,double t){
751  Quaternion qs, ss;
752  quaternion_slerp2(&qs,q1,q2,t); //qip1 replaceed with possibly negated qc, helps test D
753  quaternion_slerp2(&ss,s1,s2,t);
754  quaternion_slerp2(final, &qs, &ss, 2.0*t*(1.0 -t));
755  quaternion_normalize(final);
756 }
757 static void quaternion_diff(Quaternion *qdiff, Quaternion *q2, Quaternion *q1){
758  // diff * q1 = q2 ---> diff = q2 * inverse(q1)
759  //where: inverse(q1) = conjugate(q1) / abs(q1)}
760  Quaternion q1inv;
761  quaternion_inverse(&q1inv,q1);
762  quaternion_multiply(qdiff,q2,&q1inv);
763  if(qdiff->w < 0.0){
764  quaternion_negate(&q1inv);
765  quaternion_multiply(qdiff,q2,&q1inv);
766  }
768 }
769 static void squad_compute_velocity_normalized_key_keyvalue(int closed,
770  int n, float *keys, float *values,
771  int *nnorm, float **normkeys, float **normvals)
772 {
773  //velocity is in radians per fraction
774  //the idea is to adjust the keys, or the values, so that all spans have the same velocity
775  //methods:
776  //1. equal keys method: decide on keys per radian, and malloc round_up(total radians) * keys per radian
777  // then find the value that goes with each key
778  // a) closest from precalculated fine mini-spans (and take the key that goes with it)
779  // b) iterate with guess, compute, closer guess, compute until cumulative angle matches cumulative fraction
780  //2. adjusted keys method:
781  // adjust current keys so current spans have the same velocity
782  // problem: discontiniutiy in velocity / abrupt change of velocity at key/value points
783  //problem with both 1 and 2:
784  // the angular velocity includes yaw, pitch and roll. If you are wanting
786  //algorithm: (dug9, made up)
787  //1. iterate over all spans, 10 or 1000 fractions per span, summing up the angular distance for each span
788  //2. compute how much each span gets fraction-wise
789  //3. malloc new keys and values
790  //4. compute new keys and or values
791  Quaternion qlast, *mvals;
792  double totalangle, angle, velocity;
793  int i,j,k, iend, nspan;
794  float *mkeys,*cumangle, *spanangle, *nkey, *nvals, cumkey;
795  struct SFRotation *kVs;
797  mkeys = MALLOC(float*,n*100*sizeof(float));
798  mvals = MALLOC(Quaternion*,n*100*sizeof(Quaternion));
799  cumangle = MALLOC(float*,n*100*sizeof(float));
800  spanangle = MALLOC(float*,n*sizeof(float));
801  kVs = (struct SFRotation *)values;
802  nspan = n-1;
803  iend = n;
804  if(vecsame4f(kVs[0].c,kVs[n-1].c)) iend = n -1;
805  totalangle = 0.0;
806  k = 0;
807  if(0){
808  printf("key vals before:\n");
809  for(i=0;i<n;i++){
810  printf("%d %f %f %f %f %f\n",i,keys[i],values[i*4 +0],values[i*4 +1],values[i*4 +2],values[i*4 +3]);
811  }
812  }
813  for(i=0;i<nspan;i++){
814  Quaternion qi,qip1,qip2,qim1,si,sip1;
815  Quaternion qc, qfinal, qdiff;
816  double h;
817  int ip1, ip2, im1;
818  //i = ispan; //counter -1;
819  vrmlrot_to_quaternion (&qi, kVs[i].c[0], kVs[i].c[1], kVs[i].c[2], kVs[i].c[3]);
820  quaternion_normalize(&qi);
821  ip1 = i+1;
822  ip1 = closed ? iwrap(ip1,0,iend) : min(max(ip1,0),n-2);
823  vrmlrot_to_quaternion (&qip1, kVs[ip1].c[0],kVs[ip1].c[1], kVs[ip1].c[2], kVs[ip1].c[3]);
824  quaternion_normalize(&qip1);
825  ip2 =i+2;
826  ip2 = closed ? iwrap(ip2,0,iend) : min(max(ip2,0),n-1);
827  vrmlrot_to_quaternion (&qip2, kVs[ip2].c[0],kVs[ip2].c[1], kVs[ip2].c[2], kVs[ip2].c[3]);
828  quaternion_normalize(&qip2);
829  im1 = i-1;
830  im1 = closed ? iwrap(im1,0,iend) : min(max(im1,0),n-3);
831  vrmlrot_to_quaternion (&qim1, kVs[im1].c[0],kVs[im1].c[1], kVs[im1].c[2], kVs[im1].c[3]);
832  quaternion_normalize(&qim1);
834  if(k==0) qlast = qi;
835  //quaternion_squad_prepare(qim1,qi,qip1,qip2,s1,s2,q2);
836  //si
837  quaternion_squad_prepare(&qim1,&qi,&qip1,&qip2,&si,&sip1,&qc);
839  spanangle[i] = 0.0f;
840  for(j=0;j<10;j++){
841  float sfraction = j*.1f;
843  h = (double) sfraction; //interval;
845  quaternion_squad(&qfinal,&qi,&qc,&si,&sip1,h);
846  quaternion_normalize(&qfinal);
847  quaternion_diff(&qdiff,&qfinal,&qlast);
848  quaternion_normalize(&qdiff);
849  angle = acos(fwclampd(qdiff.w,-1.0,1.0))*2.0;
850  spanangle[i] += (float)angle;
851  mkeys[k] = keys[i] + sfraction * (keys[i+1] - keys[i]);
852  mvals[k] = qfinal;
853  totalangle += angle;
854  cumangle[k] = (float)totalangle;
855  if(0) printf("i %d j %d angle %lf\n",i,j,angle);
856  qlast = qfinal;
858  }
859  }
860  if(1) printf("total angle=%lf\n",totalangle);
861  velocity = totalangle / (keys[n-1] - keys[0]);
863  //method 2 adjust span keys
864  nkey = *normkeys = MALLOC(float*, n*sizeof(float));
865  nvals = *normvals = MALLOC(float*,n*sizeof(struct SFRotation));
866  memcpy(*normkeys,keys,n*sizeof(float));
867  memcpy(*normvals,values,n*sizeof(struct SFRotation));
868  cumkey = 0.0f;
869  cumkey = nkey[0] = keys[0];
870  for(i=0;i<nspan;i++){
871  float newspanfraction = (float)(spanangle[i]/velocity);
872  nkey[i+1] = newspanfraction + cumkey;
873  cumkey += newspanfraction;
874  }
875  *nnorm = n;
876  if(0){
877  printf("key vals after:\n");
878  for(i=0;i<*nnorm;i++){
879  printf("%d %f %f %f %f %f\n",i,nkey[i],nvals[i*4 +0],nvals[i*4 +1],nvals[i*4 +2],nvals[i*4 +3]);
880  }
881  printf("\n");
882  }
883 }
885 void do_SquadOrientationInterpolator(void *node){
886  //
887  // EXCEPT: specs seem to have a few things wrong
888  // 1. there's no 'velocity' stuff needed
889  // 2. no relation to the spine interpolators
890  // Squad research:
891  //
892  // - Squad interp using slerps
893  // Slerp(Slerp(q1, c, t), Slerp(a, b, t), 2t(1 - t))
894  //
895  // - Also squad via slerp
896  // squad(b0, S1, S2, b3, u) = slerp( slerp(b0,b3,u), slerp(S1, S2, u), 2u(1-u))
897  //
898  // - SHOE paper refered to by web3d specs, no mention of squad, uses bezier slerps.
899  //
900  // - page 51 explains SHOE
901  // qinterp = Squad(qi, qi+1,si,si+1,h) = Slerp( Slerp(qi,qi+1,h), Slerp(si,si+1,h), 2h(1-h))
902  // where si = qi * exp( - (log(inv(qi)*qi+1) + log(inv(qi)*qi-1)) / 4 )
903  // and qi+1 means q[i+1] and qi-1 means q[i-1] ie that's an indexer, not a quat + scalar
904  // p. 15 shows log(q) if q=[cost,sint*v] then
905  // log(q) = [0, sint*v] (non-unit)
906  // exp(q) = [cost, sint*v] (puts cos(t) back in scalar part, inverting log)
907  // remember from trig cos**2 + sin**2 = 1, or cos = sqrt(1 - sin**2)
908  // can probably take sine from sint*v ie sint = veclength(sint*v)
909  //
910  // p.10 "the logarithm of a unit quaternion q = [vˆ sin O, cos O] is just vˆO, a pure vector of length O."
911  // July 19, 2016 - code below copied from orientationInterpolator and node caste changed, but no other changes
912  // Dec 25, 2016 - squad coded
916  int kin, kvin;
917  struct SFRotation *kVs;
918  float *keys;
919  int iend;
920  //float interval; /* where we are between 2 values */
921  // UNUSED?? int stzero;
922  // UNUSED?? int endzero; /* starting and/or ending angles zero? */
924  Quaternion qfinal;
925  double x,y,z,a;
927  if (!node) return;
928  px = (struct X3D_SquadOrientationInterpolator *) node;
929  keys = px->key.p;
930  kin = ((px->key).n);
931  kvin = ((px->keyValue).n);
932  kVs = ((px->keyValue).p);
934  if(px->normalizeVelocity){
935  if(!px->_normkey.n){
936  float *normkeys, *normvals;
937  int nnorm;
938  squad_compute_velocity_normalized_key_keyvalue(px->closed,kin,keys,(float*)kVs,&nnorm,&normkeys,&normvals);
939  px->_normkey.n = nnorm;
940  px->_normkey.p = normkeys;
941  px->_normkeyValue.p = (struct SFRotation*)normvals;
942  px->_normkeyValue.n = nnorm;
943  }
944  kin = px->_normkey.n;
945  kvin = kin;
946  keys = px->_normkey.p;
947  kVs = px->_normkeyValue.p;
948  }
950  #ifdef SEVERBOSE
951  printf ("starting do_Oint4; keyValue count %d and key count %d\n",
952  kvin, kin);
953  #endif
954  if(0) debug_SquadOrientationInterpolator(px);
956  MARK_EVENT (node, offsetof (struct X3D_SquadOrientationInterpolator, value_changed));
958  /* make sure we have the keys and keyValues */
959  if ((kvin == 0) || (kin == 0)) {
960  px->value_changed.c[0] = (float) 0.0;
961  px->value_changed.c[1] = (float) 0.0;
962  px->value_changed.c[2] = (float) 0.0;
963  px->value_changed.c[3] = (float) 0.0;
964  return;
965  }
966  if (kin>kvin) kin=kvin; /* means we don't use whole of keyValue, but... */
967  //for wrap-around if closed, adjust the wrap around end value based on
968  //whether the scene author duplicated the first keyvalue in the last.
969  iend = kin;
970  if(vecsame4f(kVs[0].c,kVs[kin-1].c)) iend = kin -1;
973  /* set_fraction less than or greater than keys */
974  if (px->set_fraction <= keys[0]) {
975  memcpy ((void *)&px->value_changed,
976  (void *)&kVs[0], sizeof (struct SFRotation));
977  } else if (px->set_fraction >= keys[kin-1]) {
978  memcpy ((void *)&px->value_changed,
979  (void *)&kVs[kvin-1], sizeof (struct SFRotation));
980  } else {
981  int ispan;
982  float sfraction;
983  Quaternion qi,qip1,qip2,qim1,si,sip1;
984  Quaternion qc;
985  double h;
986  int ip1, ip2, im1, i;
988  ispan = find_key(kin,(float)(px->set_fraction),keys) -1;
989  //interval = (px->set_fraction - keys[counter-1]) /
990  // (keys[counter] - keys[counter-1]);
991  sfraction = span_fraction(px->set_fraction,keys[ispan],keys[ispan+1]);
993  /* are either the starting or ending angles zero? */
994  // unused? stzero = APPROX(kVs[counter-1].c[3],0.0);
995  // unused? endzero = APPROX(kVs[counter].c[3],0.0);
996  #ifdef SEVERBOSE
997  printf ("counter %d interval %f\n",counter,interval);
998  printf ("angles %f %f %f %f, %f %f %f %f\n",
999  kVs[counter-1].c[0],
1000  kVs[counter-1].c[1],
1001  kVs[counter-1].c[2],
1002  kVs[counter-1].c[3],
1003  kVs[counter].c[0],
1004  kVs[counter].c[1],
1005  kVs[counter].c[2],
1006  kVs[counter].c[3]);
1007  #endif
1008  //squad
1009  // qinterp = Squad(qi, qi+1,si,si+1,h) = Slerp( Slerp(qi,qi+1,h), Slerp(si,si+1,h), 2h(1-h))
1010  //in theory, the vrmlrot_to_quaternion and compute_si can be done in a compile_squadorientationinterpolator step
1011  //then just quaternion_slerps here
1012  i = ispan; //counter -1;
1013  vrmlrot_to_quaternion (&qi, kVs[i].c[0], kVs[i].c[1], kVs[i].c[2], kVs[i].c[3]);
1014  quaternion_normalize(&qi);
1015  ip1 = i+1;
1016  ip1 = px->closed ? iwrap(ip1,0,iend) : min(max(ip1,0),kin-2);
1017  vrmlrot_to_quaternion (&qip1, kVs[ip1].c[0],kVs[ip1].c[1], kVs[ip1].c[2], kVs[ip1].c[3]);
1018  quaternion_normalize(&qip1);
1019  ip2 =i+2;
1020  ip2 = px->closed ? iwrap(ip2,0,iend) : min(max(ip2,0),kin-1);
1021  vrmlrot_to_quaternion (&qip2, kVs[ip2].c[0],kVs[ip2].c[1], kVs[ip2].c[2], kVs[ip2].c[3]);
1022  quaternion_normalize(&qip2);
1023  im1 = i-1;
1024  im1 = px->closed ? iwrap(im1,0,iend) : min(max(im1,0),kin-3);
1025  vrmlrot_to_quaternion (&qim1, kVs[im1].c[0],kVs[im1].c[1], kVs[im1].c[2], kVs[im1].c[3]);
1026  quaternion_normalize(&qim1);
1028  //quaternion_squad_prepare(qim1,qi,qip1,qip2,s1,s2,q2);
1029  //si
1030  //compute_si(&si,&qi, &qip1, &qim1);
1031  //compute_si(&sip1,&qip1,&qip2,&qi);
1032  h = (double) sfraction; //interval;
1035  quaternion_squad_prepare(&qim1,&qi,&qip1,&qip2,&si,&sip1,&qc);
1036  quaternion_squad(&qfinal,&qi,&qc,&si,&sip1,h);
1037  quaternion_normalize(&qfinal);
1038  quaternion_to_vrmlrot(&qfinal,&x, &y, &z, &a);
1039  px->value_changed.c[0] = (float) x;
1040  px->value_changed.c[1] = (float) y;
1041  px->value_changed.c[2] = (float) z;
1042  px->value_changed.c[3] = (float) a;
1044  #ifdef SEVERBOSE
1045  printf ("Oint, new angle %f %f %f %f\n",px->value_changed.c[0],
1046  px->value_changed.c[1],px->value_changed.c[2], px->value_changed.c[3]);
1047  #endif
1048  }
1050 }
1052 //END MIT LIC <<<<<<<
Definition: Viewer.h:174