Qt Charts

Qt Charts module provides a set of easy to use chart components. It uses the Qt Graphics View Framework, therefore charts can be easily integrated to modern user interfaces. Qt Charts can be used as QWidgets, QGraphicsWidget, or QML types. Users can easily create impressive graphs by selecting one of the charts themes.

Getting Started

To import Qt Charts QML types, add the following import statement to your .qml file:

  import QtCharts 2.0

If you intend to use Qt Charts C++ classes in your application, use the following include and using directives:

  #include <QtCharts>

  using namespace QtCharts;

Note: Since Qt Creator 3.0, projects created with Qt Quick Application wizard based on the Qt Quick 2 template uses QGuiApplication by default. All such QGuiApplication instances in the project must be replaced with QApplication as the module depends on Qt's Graphics View Framework for rendering.

To link against the Qt Charts module, add this line to your qmake project file:

  QT += charts


Qt Charts comes with the following examples:

AreaChart Example

The example shows how to create a simple area chart.

Audio Example

This example shows the drawing of dynamic data (microphone input).

BarChart Example

The example shows how to create a bar chart.

BarModelMapper Example

This example shows how to use QAbstractItemModel derived model as the data for the bar series.

Box and Whiskers Example

The example shows how to create a box-and-whiskers chart.

Callout Example

This example shows how to draw an additional element (a callout) on top of the chart.

Chart Themes Example

The example shows the look and feel of the different built-in themes.

Custom Chart Example

This example shows how to customize the appearance of the different elements on a chart.

DateTimeAxis Example

The example shows how to use QLineChart with QDateTimeAxis.

Donut Chart Breakdown Example

This example shows how to use create a donut breakdown chart using QPieSeries API.

Donutchart Example

This example shows how to create a simple donut chart, and do some customizations to a slice.

Dynamic Spline Example

This example shows how to draw dynamic data.

HorizontalBarChart Example

The example shows how to create a horizontal bar chart.

HorizontalPercentBarChart Example

The example shows how to create a simple horizontal percent bar chart.

HorizontalStackedBarChart Example

The example shows how to create a simple stacked horizontal bar chart.

Legend Example

This example shows how to detach the legend from the chart and how to attach it back.

LegendMarkers Example

The example shows how to make use of legend markers.

Line and BarChart Example

The example shows how to combine different charts and set the axes.

LineChart Example

The example shows how to create a simple line chart.

Logarithmic Axis Example

The example shows how to use QLogValueAxis.

Model Data Example

This example shows how to use the QAbstractItemModel derived model as the data for the series.

Multiple Axes Example

The example shows how to create a simple chart with two vertical axes. One for each series.

Nested Donuts Example

This example shows how to create a nested donuts chart using the QPieSeries API.

OpenGL Accelerated Series Example

The example shows how to enable OpenGL acceleration for QLineSeries and QScatterSeries.

PercentBarChart Example

The example shows how to create a simple percent bar chart.

Piechart Example

The example shows how to create a simple pie chart and do some customizations to a pie slice.

Pie Chart Customization Example

This example shows how the look and feel of a pie chart can be customized.

Piechart Drilldown Example

The example shows how to implement a piechart with drilldown effect.

Polar Chart Example

The example shows how to create a simple polar chart with multiple different series.

Qml Axes

This is a demonstration of how to use axes in your QML application.

Qml Charts Example

This basic demonstration shows how to use the different chart types by using qml.

Qml Customizations

This application shows you how to customize different visual properties of a ChartView and series.

Qml Custom Legend

This example shows you how to create your own custom legend.

Qml F1 Legends

This application demonstrates how to use XmlListModel as a datasource for a Chart.

Qml Oscilloscope

The example shows how to implement application with strict performance requirements using the Qt Charts QML API.

Qml Polar Chart

This is a demonstration on how to use a polar chart in your QML application.

Qml Weather

This is a basic demonstration showing how to use the different chart types by using qml.

ScatterChart Example

The example shows how to create a simple scatter chart.

Scatter Interactions Example

This example shows how to create a simple scatter chart and how to interact with the chart.

SplineChart Example

The example shows how to create a simple spline chart.

StackedBarChart Example

The example shows how to create a simple stacked bar chart.

StackedBarChart Drilldown Example

The example shows how to implement drilldown using a stacked barchart.

Temperature Records Example

The example shows how to create a bar chart with negative bars.

Zoom Line Example

The example shows how to create your own custom zooming effect