main.qml Example File


  ** Copyright (C) 2015 BogDan Vatra <>
  ** Contact:
  ** This file is part of the Qt Gamepad module
  ** Commercial License Usage
  ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
  ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
  ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
  ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
  ** and conditions see For further
  ** information use the contact form at
  ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
  ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
  ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
  ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the
  ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
  ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
  ** will be met:
  ** GNU General Public License Usage
  ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
  ** General Public License version 2.0 or later as published by the Free
  ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
  ** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
  ** ensure the GNU General Public License version 2.0 requirements will be
  ** met:

  import QtQuick 2.5
  import QtQuick.Controls 1.4

  import QtQuick 2.5
  import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
  import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2
  import QtQuick.Window 2.0
  import QtGamepad 1.0

  ApplicationWindow {
      visible: true
      title: qsTr("Configure gamepad")

      Component.onCompleted: {
          if (Qt.platform.os === "android")
              visibility = Window.Maximized

      property Button checkedButton: null
      function pressButton(button)
          if (checkedButton !== null && button !== checkedButton)
              checkedButton.checked = false;
          checkedButton = button

      Gamepad {
          id: gamepad
          deviceId: GamepadManager.connectedGamepads.length > 0 ? GamepadManager.connectedGamepads[0] : -1
          onDeviceIdChanged: GamepadManager.setCancelConfigureButton(deviceId, GamepadManager.ButtonStart);

      Connections {
          target: GamepadManager
          onButtonConfigured: pressButton(null)
          onAxisConfigured: pressButton(null)
          onConfigurationCanceled: pressButton(null)

      ColumnLayout {
          anchors.fill: parent

          RowLayout {
              Layout.fillWidth: true
              Text {
                  text: qsTr("Connected gamepads")
              ComboBox {
                  model: GamepadManager.connectedGamepads
                  onCurrentIndexChanged: gamepad.deviceId[GamepadManager.connectedGamepads[currentIndex]]

          Text {
              Layout.fillWidth: true
              text: qsTr("Start button cancel's current configuration")

          RowLayout {
              Layout.fillWidth: true
              Layout.fillHeight: true
              GroupBox {
                  title: qsTr("Configure Gamepad Buttons")
                  Layout.fillWidth: true
                  Layout.fillHeight: true

                  ColumnLayout {
                      anchors.fill: parent
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("ButtonA")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight

                          Text {
                              text: gamepad.buttonA ? qsTr("DOWN") : qsTr("UP")
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureButton(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.ButtonA);
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("ButtonB")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
                          Text {
                              text: gamepad.buttonB ? qsTr("DOWN") : qsTr("UP")
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureButton(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.ButtonB);
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("ButtonX")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
                          Text {
                              text: gamepad.buttonX ? qsTr("DOWN") : qsTr("UP")
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureButton(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.ButtonX);
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("ButtonY")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
                          Text {
                              text: gamepad.buttonY ? qsTr("DOWN") : qsTr("UP")
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureButton(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.ButtonY);
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("ButtonStart")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
                          Text {
                              text: gamepad.buttonStart ? qsTr("DOWN") : qsTr("UP")
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureButton(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.ButtonStart);
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("ButtonSelect")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
                          Text {
                              text: gamepad.buttonSelect ? qsTr("DOWN") : qsTr("UP")
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureButton(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.ButtonSelect);
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("Button L1")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
                          Text {
                              text: gamepad.buttonL1 ? qsTr("DOWN") : qsTr("UP")
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureButton(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.ButtonL1);
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("Button R1")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
                          Text {
                              text: gamepad.buttonR1 ? qsTr("DOWN") : qsTr("UP")
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureButton(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.ButtonR1);
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("Button L2")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
                          Text {
                              text: gamepad.buttonL2 ? qsTr("DOWN") : qsTr("UP")
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureButton(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.ButtonL2);
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("Button R2")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
                          Text {
                              text: gamepad.buttonR2 ? qsTr("DOWN") : qsTr("UP")
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureButton(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.ButtonR2);
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("Button L3")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
                          Text {
                              text: gamepad.buttonL3 ? qsTr("DOWN") : qsTr("UP")
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureButton(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.ButtonL3);
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("Button R3")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
                          Text {
                              text: gamepad.buttonR3 ? qsTr("DOWN") : qsTr("UP")
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureButton(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.ButtonR3);
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("Button Up")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
                          Text {
                              text: gamepad.buttonUp ? qsTr("DOWN") : qsTr("UP")
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureButton(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.ButtonUp);
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("Button Down")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
                          Text {
                              text: gamepad.buttonDown ? qsTr("DOWN") : qsTr("UP")
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureButton(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.ButtonDown  );
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("Button Left")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
                          Text {
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              text: gamepad.buttonLeft ? qsTr("DOWN") : qsTr("UP")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureButton(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.ButtonLeft);
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("Button Right")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
                          Text {
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              text: gamepad.buttonRight ? qsTr("DOWN") : qsTr("UP")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureButton(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.ButtonRight);
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("Button Center")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
                          Text {
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              text: gamepad.buttonCenter ? qsTr("DOWN") : qsTr("UP")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureButton(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.ButtonCenter);
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("Button Guide")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
                          Text {
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              text: gamepad.buttonGuide ? qsTr("DOWN") : qsTr("UP")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureButton(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.ButtonGuide);
              GroupBox {
                  title: qsTr("Gamepad Axies")
                  Layout.fillWidth: true
                  Layout.fillHeight: true

                  ColumnLayout {
                      anchors.fill: parent
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("AxisLeftX")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight

                          Text {
                              text: gamepad.axisLeftX
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureAxis(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.AxisLeftX);
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("AxisLeftY")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight

                          Text {
                              text: gamepad.axisLeftY
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureAxis(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.AxisLeftY);
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("AxisRightX")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight

                          Text {
                              text: gamepad.axisRightX
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureAxis(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.AxisRightX);
                      RowLayout {
                          Layout.fillWidth: true
                          Text {
                              text: qsTr("AxisRightY")
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight

                          Text {
                              text: gamepad.axisRightY
                              Layout.fillWidth: true
                              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

                          Button {
                              text: qsTr("Configure")
                              checkable: true
                              enabled: !checked
                              onCheckedChanged: {
                                  if (checked)
                                      GamepadManager.configureAxis(gamepad.deviceId, GamepadManager.AxisRightY);

                      Item {
                          Layout.fillHeight: true