LetterSelector.qml Example File


  ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
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  ** This file is part of the Purchasing module of the Qt Toolkit.
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  import QtQuick 2.2

  Item {
      id: keyView
      property real keyWidth: (width - (horizontalSpacing * 9)) / 10
      property real keyHeight: (height - (verticalSpacing * 2)) / 3
      property real horizontalSpacing: topLevel.globalMargin / 4
      property real verticalSpacing: topLevel.globalMargin / 4
      property bool locked: false
      property bool hideVowels: false

      Component.onCompleted: topLevel.buttonHeight = keyHeight
      onKeyHeightChanged: topLevel.buttonHeight = keyHeight

      property var keys: [keyA, keyB, keyC, keyD, keyE, keyF, keyG, keyH, keyI, keyJ,
              keyH, keyJ, keyK, keyL, keyM, keyN, keyO, keyP, keyQ, keyR, keyS,
              keyT, keyU, keyV, keyW, keyX, keyY, keyZ];

      function reset() {
          //Resets all key values to their default state
          for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
              keys[i].available = true;

      onLockedChanged: {
          if (locked) {
              for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
                  keys[i].available = false;

      signal letterSelected(string letter)
      signal guessWordPressed()
      signal resetPressed()
      signal revealPressed()

      //Qwerty layout
      Column {
          spacing: keyView.verticalSpacing
          anchors.fill: parent
          Row {
              spacing: keyView.horizontalSpacing
              Key {
                  id: keyQ
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "Q";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyW
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "W";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyE
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "E";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: true
                  enabled: !hideVowels
                  opacity: hideVowels ? 0.0 : 1.0
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyR
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "R";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyT
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "T";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyY
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "Y";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyU
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "U";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: true
                  enabled: !hideVowels
                  opacity: hideVowels ? 0.0 : 1.0
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyI
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "I";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: true
                  enabled: !hideVowels
                  opacity: hideVowels ? 0.0 : 1.0
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyO
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "O";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: true
                  enabled: !hideVowels
                  opacity: hideVowels ? 0.0 : 1.0
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyP
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "P";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
          Row {
              anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
              spacing: keyView.horizontalSpacing
              Key {
                  id: keyA
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "A";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: true
                  enabled: !hideVowels
                  opacity: hideVowels ? 0.0 : 1.0
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyS
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "S";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyD
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "D";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyF
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "F";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyG
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "G";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyH
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "H";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyJ
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "J";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyK
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "K";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyL
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "L";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
          Row {
              spacing: keyView.horizontalSpacing
              anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
              Key {
                  id: keyZ
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "Z";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyX
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "X";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyC
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "C";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyV
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "V";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyB
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "B";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyN
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "N";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;
              Key {
                  id: keyM
                  height: keyView.keyHeight
                  width: keyView.keyWidth
                  text: "M";
                  available: true
                  purchasable: false
                  onKeyActivated: {
                      available = false;