Date: Mon, 07 Oct 96 12:37:41 From: kathy@MIT.EDU (Katherine K. Allen) To: ilead@MIT.EDU Subject: Process for IS Promotions/Equity Increases -- Oct 1996 Below is the current process to be followed in recommending and documenting proposed promotions or equity increases of IS administrative staff, and for the proposed promotion of support staff to administrative staff. Recommendations are generally made by a Coordinating Director (CD) or a Team Leader (TL). "TL" is used below to describe the steps of the process. Please let me know if you have questions, need clarification, etc. .... Kathy 1. TL makes promotion recommendation to CD. 2. CD discusses recommendation [inc $$] with JDB. JDB gives verbal OK or "not now." 3. TL writes draft promotion recommendation, using the attached template, giving specific examples of candidate's performance in all categories. 4. CD reviews TL's draft recommendation, and may suggest revisions. Once revisions made, CD approves recommendation and submits to KKA, with brief cover memo supporting recommendation, and requesting specific % and $ increase -- cc'ing Kenia Franco, IS Personnel Officer, with copy of recommendation. 5. KKA (CD, if needed) discusses promotion and $$ increase with Kenia Franco to (hopefully!) receive verbal approval. 6. NOTE: Promotions to MIT classification "IO" and > require review and approval of ITLT. In these cases, CD distributes copies of recommendation to ITLT for review prior to discussion at ITLT meeting. If aproved by ITLT, JDB signs recommendation. 7. KKA writes [JDB] letter to WRD seeking his approval. 8. WRD informs KKA of approval/disapproval within 1-2 weeks. KKA informs CD/TL. If approved, Kenia Franco initiates appropriate Personnel actions. ***** ATTACHMENT ***** TEMPLATE FOR IS PROMOTIONS and EQUITY INCREASES _______________________________________________ Please follow this template when writing promotion or equity increase recommendations for administrative staff -- or promotions of support staff to administrative staff. 1. Give examples of outstanding task or project performance. These examples must demonstrate that the candidate is clearly working at the recommended level. Include examples that show how these projects or tasks relate to the responsibilities of the desired position. Document that candidate is performing his/her duties according to high standards. 2. Highlight areas of technical proficiency. Include examples to show how candidate is operating at a level that warrants this promotion. Has candidate mastered a certain level of technical proficiency? 3. Note areas of improvement in the candidate's education or training. This would include formal courses, as well as seminars and self-taught courses. 4. Evaluate candidate's teamwork and professionalism. Areas to document include reliability, dependability, accessibility, responsibility, and respect by peers and clients. Does candidate put in extra effort to complete a project when needed? Can candidate be depended upon to complete projects on schedule? Is candidate available to others who need his/her help? Does candidate put team goals above individual goals? 5. Note areas in which the candidate has shown initiative. Has the candidate recognized a need and taken steps to fill it without being told? 6. For supervisory positions, give examples of how the candidate functions in the areas of firmness, fairness and consistency. For example, does he/she give timely criticism and praise? Is the balance of criticism and praise appropriate? Give examples of candidate's communication skills. 7. Include a summary table showing the candidate's job history at MIT, including start date, dates of promotions with increases, and dates and amounts of salary increases. 8. Attach candidate's current resume.